Do you have an ipad what do you use it for

I also use mine to convert my almost nonsensical chat to utterly nonsensical chat…It basically converts most things I say to being barely understandable :eek: it does tend to make it funnier though :cool:

Can the ipad be used to send SMS text messages to a smart phone that isn’t an Apple iPhone eg an android.

You use messenger or any app that sends via Wi-fi

Thanks Missy :slight_smile: I will explore it further…

My ipad arrived today :shock:
It is up and running with lots still to do.

I looked at refurbished ones and would have bought one except I was worried in case it would not be compatible with the latest version of the health monitor I am also buying which require an apple app to operate.

The app is now downloaded …
…whew what an exhausting morning :lol:

Thank you everyone for your helpful advice, I think the ipad will be very useful :smiley:

Glad your iPad has arrived Meg, once you are used to it I’m sure you’ll love it :smiley:

Good on you Meg

You will be surprised on how much you will use the iPad, it makes everything just so easy that you end up doing more and more things

Like Saturday I dropped my iron just one too many times. Just picked up my iPad, clicked on amazon, and within 5 mins new iron picked, paid for and on its way - less time then having to boot up a pc

I must say that after using a laptop for years, it took a while to get used to my iPad. Persevere Meg, once you get used to it, you will love it I’m sure!

Y’know…you horrible lot really make me feel like I’m a resurrected dinosaur!
I have an 8-month-old iPad right here,on this desk,in it’s box,unused,tried out,immediately DEMANDED my wifi address/code,even before I’d done anything other than choose ‘UK’…and immediately synchronised with my Dell laptop…which took me #!#!#ing HOURS to ‘de-synch’…and since that night 8 months ago,it hasn’t been out of it’s box. NOW,thanks to yooz lot,I feel I’m a relic;even though the latest steam-powered internet engines rool,ok.
[I still don’t want to open it again,though. Even the jacket I bought for it never got used…it wasn’t out of it’s box long enough] #sigh#…:100:

Pug, if you ever want to sell it, Pm me :slight_smile:

I am loving the ipad :slight_smile: it’s amazing :surprised:

Likewise Meg, I thought you would once you got used to it … I’m on mine at the moment :smiley:

Kind of thought you would :slight_smile:

Now you made me feel like a woos-because I only JUST finished putting my iPad on ebay,Missy. It’s sat in it’s box since the day i bought it,coming out once,to set it up-which left me wondering how ANYONE can break out of the Apple grip. It demanded passwords I don’t have,demanded I join icloud,insisted I make up usernames and passwords for apps I don’t even want…and when y’DO see an app that may be useful-it’s at a price. I think my quill and I are in the wrong century. EVERYONE loves Apple-but I,isolated here on ‘Non-Apple Island’, can’t get on with it…is it summink I said?..sigh…

Aww pugs, you don’t need all that, just an Apple ID , the cloud stuff is handy but not necessary

Ive been using Apple since iphone3 and have only just started using the cloud but thats only because now I have the Mac as well as the pad and phone

Aww … sorry the iPad wasn’t for you Pug. When I had my first one as a present from Mr Mags, I was all at sea with it, just didn’t know where to start but my “whizKid” son (my name for him;-)) soon put me on track with it … now I love it and wouldn’t be without it!

Maybe if you had someone kind enough to show you the ropes with it, it may have helped you to get the hang of it.

Truly,girls,I don’t know.
It just seems that,once in the virtual Apple Exercise Yard,you have to do things APPLE’S way,or not at all. Having to PAY to install mathematical apps,or not being able to move a digit without a great big sign coming up and covering the page saying "Insert your password’,when you not only don’t own a password,but don’t have an ‘Apple ID’ [it’s a poxy computer,not the Brinks Matt Bullion Vaults,ferf]…anyway,I’m just fed up with every single thing one attempts on an ipad being subject to ‘sign in’ procedures - especially when the codec used to process those same passwords is simplification of a 128/7 variability condensing process.
Nahh…I’m of a bygone time…a time when clear calligraphy was to be proud of,when correct punctuation was to be proud of,when incorrect spellign and abbreviashuns were shunned. Beam me up,Scotty-it’s acronyms only,down here…LOL!

Pugs, you once needed an email account and you signed up to that ok, Apple ID is just the same. Sign up, sign in, tick remember me and you never have to do it again ( although I wouldn’t do that if you add a payment card to your account, grandson spent £700 in an hour one day , all refunded thankfully)

I know you are a Linux man and oppose having to pay for programmes but this is why Apple works for us dummies. Everything is written and tested and downloading one thing doesn’t stop another thing from working. We the end user can’t cock up

The majority of us have never used Linux, only windoze and as you would agree, anything works better then windoze because there are just too many variables which doesn’t happen with Apple

All you need is an email account to set up an Apple ID. After that, everything is simple. There are free apps if you don’t want to pay for them. I’ve only bought 2 apps for my iPad since I bought the last one last July.

It’s a great device and handy for picking up and checking something whilst you are watching TV or doing some other activity.

Hi,people;apologies for the tardiness of my reply-‘stuff’ required attention.

Ok-very early this morning I drove my friend to hospital for an emergency scan [the b###dy ambulances were ‘busy’] and as I sat in the waiting section,I tried the ideas you said…put in a made-up on the spot I.D.,then thought of a password,entered that - and the poxy thing then won’t allow me to have the icons I want,rather than it allows,on the bar…it says the r/h side is for ‘recently opened’ apps and the l/h side is for ‘stock’ apps…but it won’t let me have the icons I want,they have to be what IT allows…but on trying to type out a non-linear equation pertinent to fluid mechanics,this ‘super-wonderful latest,greatest’ computer said “Yerwot?!?” and instantly froze. Which meant resetting the whole flippin’ thing and starting again. What use is a computer that can’t comprehend fairly basic formulaic equations nah - Linux rules,chaps ‘n’ chappettes!