Do you have a favourite instant coffee?

My favourite too. :slight_smile:

I don’t drink instant coffee if I can avoid it, it doesn’t taste anything like coffee to me.

I drink Kenyan coffee mild and acidic making one cup at a time using a single filter with unbleached papers and not forgetting to warm the mug …
Cone and filters

I have yet to find its equal.

I bought a tin of Kenco millicano strong to take to my class last Wednesday as I cannot drink the cheapo stuff they serve. A couple of my classmates also enjoyed it so left it there for everyones use till end of term.

Winter coffee…

I don’t have a blender or Tassimo machine but I love cappuccino or trying other weird and wonderful variations from coffee shops, but as an instant coffee I normally buy Kenco (as Carol says), or plain old Nescafe. Can’t beat it really.
For a quick fix at work to keep me going, I have a jar a Rocket Fuel coffee in my bag. Works wonders to keep me awake that last couple of hours!

Seriously! We’ve tucked away the Tassimo, the nespresso and the filter coffee maker. Ever since we tried out the Kenco ‘just add hot water’ latte! We think it’s brilliant! They also do mocha, cuppocino and flat white. I know some will not agree with me. But we love it!

I’m a Coffee Snob according to my friend.:blush: She buys cheap coffee and I loathe it, I like Carte Noire Classic Coffee, and it froths up lovely to make a Latte.:mrgreen:

I am growing accustomed to:

Infinity Selected Arabica Whole Bean Instant Coffee 100g

Gorgeous coffee made of an instant blend of Arabica grades and finely-milled beans. The particles of regular coffee are put inside the granules of agglomerated coffee.


Cafe Azera if it hasn’t already been mentioned.

Yes please. No sugar.

Nowadays I have just Mellow Birds instant. I could drink gallons of it, semi skimmed milk, no sugar.

I usually have one at about 6:00am everyday, as that is the time that the chi’s insist that the day starts!
And I sometimes have one last thing at night. Caffeine doesn’t seem to affect me and I have absolutely no trouble sleeping.

Lidl’s ground coffees for cafetieres are very nice and reasonably priced.
Nice with soya milk. The grounds are good for the garden, deters slugs.

For many many years I enjoyed a few cups of gold blend every day, but gone off it in my old age and can only drink the real thing.

We have 3 or 4 plungers of different sizes at home, and use this from Lidl … ©Lidl

Second hand coffee, as all instant coffee is.

Your coffee is mixed with water to make coffee sludge then sprayed through fine nozzles into hot air to dry it again into the granules that you buy. Or it’s freeze dried.

Either way what you have is second hand coffee, granules that have already been made into a coffee “drink” and then dried again. :frowning:

I find all the instant coffees completely bland and virtually tasteless, even the granules. I much prefer proper coffee but I’m usually too idle to make it. The slop some coffee outlets sell is just boiling hot, beige milk. Continental visitors must despair.

If I prefer this to granules, isn’t that all that matters? :shock:

I like Nescafe, always have.

You can only do what feels right according to your current understanding and life priorities.

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got fed up with instant coffee so got a tassimo machine, cost a fortune buying pods, so got a been to cup i pay £13.50 for a kl of lavazza beans that makes about 80 proper lattes or cappuccinos, better than Starbucks sell. thats 20p a cup including the milk