Do you have a favourite instant coffee?

AnnieS, I think you are right, it was mainly chicory with something else, can’t remember what. Our mum and aunties used to give to us as kids making it with boiled milk. I can still remember the taste.

Nowadays, I only ever drink Kenco, Nescafe Gold or if I have the beans I use my 1970’s percolator which still works perfectly. I am not keen on using pods or teabags etc as it seems to be just dust.

Bliss … I’m sniffing the coffee aroma here. :slight_smile: I had to stop drinking it a few years ago as it upsets my tummy too much.

Does DeCaff upset you too, Mort?

I think what you put in your coffee is important to the taste.
I like coffee mate or a splash of evaporated milk in mine, plus one spoonful of sugar.

How do you take yours?

Black, no sugar or milk :slight_smile:

White or black no sugar.

Nescafe Azera Americano for me as well, but I also like Douwe Egberts (any variety) - with just a splash of semi-skimmed milk and no sugar.

Very true Carol darlin’ - Black coffee + a splash of BRANDY!!!

Black, no sugar, and not too hot.

Instant coffee is crud imho but I suspect most people know that already.

Still it may still come as a surprise to some to learn how it is made.

There are two methods.

The first is “Spray Drying”.

You roast and grind coffee beans and then combine them with water to make a concentrated coffee sludge. Yep that’s right, your “instant” coffee has already been coffee ! What you are getting is second hand dregs in effect.

That coffee liquid is then pumped through fine spray nozzles into very hot air where the water element vapourises instantly and leaves just the dried coffee granules falling to the bottom.

The second method is “Freeze Drying”.

Once again the roasted coffee beans are mixed with water and cooked down into an extract. It is then chilled at roughly 20 deg F to make a kind of coffee slush puppy. . . nice !

It’s chilled again at a lower temperature until it’s a slab of slush puppy and then broken into granules. The granules then go through a drying machine in a vacuum which vapourises the water (ice) leaving the coffee granules.

Either way, your jar of “instant coffee” is nothing more than second hand coffee dregs which of course have lost a great deal of the great coffee flavour and caffeine that we know is in the original coffee bean.

To add insult to injury that lovely fresh coffee aroma that you smell when you first open a new jar and pierce the gold film seal, IS NOT THE COFFEE !

It’s an artificial aroma that is pumped into the jar at the last minute just before the jar is sealed.

Like so many things in life, instant coffee is yet another synthetic product that is far removd from the original product of nature. It is inferior in every important aspect.

Imagine taking freshly roasted and ground coffee beans and mixing them with hot water in a french caffetiere. After I take a cup out for a nice drink, I take the remaining coffee liquid/sludge from the caffetierre and pump it through a fine spray nozzle into very hot air to remove the water and create instant coffee granules.

Is that really what you want to be drinking ? !!!

If I am going to drink instant then I go for Douwe Egberts Pure Gold. Mind you I have finally brought into work a perculator as I love the aroma of fresh brewing coffee and bought Morrisons anytime coffee which is a medium strength.

Because of my anxiety I limit myself to a cup and a half of coffee in the mornings. I drink water the rest of the day.

That sounds very precise Fosse. :smiley:

Nespresso machine coffee for me. One very strong cup after dinner.

Ah good old Turkish coffee. I have one of those cevze coffee pots and some genuine Turkish coffee for when I need that extra caffeine kick. Can be a bit of a faff making it though when you scoop the foam off the top of the coffee when it comes to the boil and put it in a cup. :slight_smile:

I like Kenco too - it’s my favourite.

Unfortunately I have to limit myself to one and a half cups in the morning as I suffer from anxiety attacks. I do enjoy my morning cup, though, along with the first song of the day I’ll listen to.

Kenco do a very nice decaf. You could have as many cups as you like. :slight_smile:

My favourite brand, Carte Noire, has been withdrawn and replaced by something called L’Or. People on FB are saying it tastes vile! Apparently it will return next year.

I loved that coffee, and join all those angry people in wanting it back on the shelves.