Yes, I grow my own chillies, carrots, peas, onions, chives, French onions, herbs like mint, thyme, cilantro, rocket, luttuce,rosemary and bay leaves etc!
That’s great, Minx. Do the herbs grow in pots or out of the ground?
When I was young, I grew chilis, green onions and sweet potatoes. The potatoes grew wild after a while. My parents grew corn one year. It was a lot more work than they bargained for.
I grew tomatoes one year in my own yard. It was a bad year for me, and I didn’t have time to harvest. Dozens of tomatoes went to waste that year. The couple of tomatoes that I did eat were really good, sweet and juicy, not like store-bought ones.
I grow a bit in limited space mainly in raised beds and large tubs not always the same every year due to rotation to avoid pests.
I grow garlic, runner beans, leeks, early potatoes ,fennel, french beans, tomatoes, purple sprouting, lots of herbs, perpetual strawberries, raspberries
Not any more we don’t. Too old and creaky now for all that digging and bending, so along with the area farm shops and supermarkets, we have to make do with what’s available from retail outlets.
We used to grow some, runner beans, mangetout and tomatoes mainly, but haven’t done for a few years now. I think it just all got a bit too much for us, and our garden doesn’t really lend itself to successful veg growing - it just has too much shade, more’s the pity. We do still have our raspberry canes, and I wouldn’t want to lose them!
In the past few years, I’ve been looking at indoor garden planters, just for fun. I’m not sure I’d do it, but I really like the idea of it. They must have gotten a lot more popular during the pandemic. Before the pandemic, there weren’t this many choices. There are a bunch of brands and options now.
Some of them are year-round garden boxes with built in lights.
I have had a vegetable and fruit plot for as long as I can remember, and although there are good years and bad years the garden always gives a great sense of satisfaction for whatever it produces. This year has been pretty good after a long cold spell early on which slowed germination, and the freezer is now well stocked, particularly with fruit, for the winter.
This year in the veg patch I grew carrots, parsnips, beetroot, onions, shallots, lettuce, radish, sugar snap peas, runner beans, spinach, cabbage and sprouts as well as basil and parsley. In the greenhouse I grew three varieties of tomatoes, aubergines, cucumbers and sweet peppers, and in the fruit garden we had blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb, blackcurrants, gooseberries and blueberries.
Guess I am just very lucky to have the time, space and energy but there is nowhere I would rather be on a warm spring or summer day than in the garden…
I adore growing my own food! This past season has been my first, on raised beds in an allotment. Previously I have just grown and propagated houseplants for my own pleasure.
I didn’t have the first idea of vegetables and its been a huge learning curve of an adventure From the soil, to how you sow the seeds, how to water them, and finally to watch them grown and flourish.
This year - due to my boundless enthusiasm I threw every seed I could get my hands on into the ground and managed some radish, red onions, a few marrows, some squash, a cabbage, carrots, and hundreds of potatoes.
Everything else just didn’t happen, so next season I shall be more considered in my approach - possibly trying out the square foot gardening method, which packs a lot into a small space.
google hooped garden beds like a mini poly tunnel then you can grow for a longer season if i can find it again i put up video ive still got potatoes in raised bed taste great
Oh there are 3 communal polytunnels in the allotment. I didn’t apply for a space this year, but I intend to get something for next season, because I’m a bit peeved now that all I can do is winter down the beds, and everyone else is still bringing out produce! And yes, the taste from homegrown food is second to none. Far, far better than the shops!
I adore tomatoes! I eat them with everything, and make my own sauces with them. Fruit is something I might try this year, but its a bit hit or miss in Scotland
Ive said in another post more people should grow there own save environment as no packaging trips to shops I remember growing up nearly everyone had there own veg plot so well done the community veg gardens seem to be making a welcome comeback
Aye, the islands have more of a community feel though don’t they…when I lived on Bute, it was brilliant. Only had to move because there were no jobs and the kids were young.