Do you get rid of superfluous stuff from your home?

Stuff that you never use. Stuff that gathers dust. Stuff that you can not even remember buying.
Every year I rid myself of stuff that I have no real use for.
I may have thought at the time, “I like that. That will look good on my…”
Last time I took all my unwanted stuff to a swap meet and came away with $324
Which meant I could buy more “Stuff” :grin:

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I find that moving house lets you get rid of so much. Now I have very little “clutter” which suits me just fine.

I only buy something when I have an actual use for it, and will use it straight away.


No I tend not to as I am not keen on clutter. Shopping TV channels perplex me as they seem to be flogging mountains of tatt we don’t need such as chintzy crystal ornaments

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I have clear outs every now and then, mostly clothes/shoes ect. Good and vintage stuff I sell online, the rest goes to the charity shop.


Very rarely.My BH is a hoarder.Yesterday she came home with a car full of old bricks(something planned for the garden)

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I do like a good old fashioned clear-out every now and again. I tend to make a note of stuff, and if I haven’t used it in a year/18 months, it’s usually destined for the dump/charity shop. I tend to horde stuff less and less these days and I’m growing less tolerant of clutter.


In my experience as soon as you dispose of something you need it. I have a huge collection of stuff that might come in useful, my kids can dispose of it when the time comes.


Yes but good show ‘I say’ ‘‘I say’’…as long as she has the right equipment to move it and build something with that ‘Rubble’ Collections.'…She would have had to work real hard to gather a car-full…


Some folks declutter as a practice run :laughing: :icon_wink:


Myself and my husband did Two car boots last weekend,got rid of loads,and what did not sell we gave to a local charity.
Sorting more unwanted stuff out as we go along.


@Bretrick IMO simply taking excess ‘stuff’ to sell it for personal gain is selfish. When I decide it’s time to consider a good clear-out, I do so by offering the collection to my local hospice. They eagerly come over and take everything away to sell in the hospice shop run by volunteers for hospice funds. Its surprising how much ‘stuff’ accumulates and quickly too.

I’m not sure Bretrick meant “flipping”, if that’s what you meant? People do that with all sorts of things, like cars, property etc.

Yes. When something I no longer want or need is just cluttering up my space, it goes.

Before we left the Uk we had earmarked most of our furniture to one of the vast number of Charity Shops in Bexhill on Sea. We choose one that helped the not so well off furnish their homes. They had a scheme that if you were below a certain income, out of work or off sick with less income you would get a huge discount on the price marked up. We thought that was a really worthwhile Charity so arranged for an inspection of our goods initially to ascertain that all was in a good and safe condition for re-use.
Having had that all passed we then arranged the date for the collection.
Anything else that was unwanted by us and goods that we felt had past there sell by date went to the tip…Many items went to Barbie Keels Animal Sanctuary Charity Shop as we had our late amazing Saber Puss from her rescue centre, felt in her debt on one hand but the tireless work she does was so much a live saver and a real godsend to the many animals she helps save there lives. So she got the lion’s share from us.
We took very little from our home but most was tools whether Garden Equipment or working tools. Our Ham Radio Tower and huge beam antenna was to go on the removal lorry as a priority
A brand new washing machine and two new beds also got earmarked for the Lorry…TV’s Stereo Separates and our Ham Radio’s gear set up, Hasbeen’s model aeroplanes went with us in our Touring Caravan… then Clothes Bedding and some basic kitchenware was just about it…O and of course our two Precious Moggies with their new Travelling Cages.
Most of our special china went to Barbie’s and we only took white china with us regardless…we made these decisions as it was an ideal opportunity to have such a real through clear out. Some precious things had to go, things that we never had a real need for anymore.
My collection of Winstanley Cats I would never part with…haha about 60 Cats of various sizes and breeds…they kept producing more and more younguns over time!

Was a difficult time but also there was a lot of satisfaction factor with taking your home down to basic requirements.
When we had decided on the home we were to purchase in France we took on nearly all the furniture they had owned as well…Kind of very normal thing to do was that. Certainly No Regrets…

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I collect ‘stuff’, but am trying not to. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Got a couple of Winstanley cats too. :grinning:

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No but without sounding morbid we done our 1st and hopefully last Will just last week and so had to think forward…My Pottery Cats are the only things I have ever collected putting a side pound notes of course. Just had nobody that I could pass them onto that would love them also…Then I had a brainwave. So I will leave them to our very nearby Charity Store that only supports Animals…Worth a bit, then they can sell them off. I made plain my wishes that the money goes towards Cats, in any way, for a hopefully a better life…


My will leaves everything to my Daughter, she is so going to have fun sorting it all. :rofl: :rofl:

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Not to add anything to the doom and gloom of our eventual passing, but I was wondering if either of you (or anyone for that matter) had heard of Swedish Death Cleaning? Its basically just doing a regular declutter with the aim of having less for your family to deal with. (Aka “Don’t buy anything else for goodness sake!” :laughing: )

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