Do You Believe This?

Well I know we shouldnt judge on appearance alone but she looks really weird… scary even poor kid being landed with her for a mum. I suppose she could have got pregnant with medical help but if thats the case I dont think those sort of interventions should be allowed she is too old to be a mum… at least thats what I think.

No Arty I wouldnt want a child at my age as much as I love my grandkids its lovely to give them back…you can’t do that with your own kids… as someone else said there is a reason we go through menopause she is just too old and for her to think she isnt is ill considered and irresponsible.

@PixieKnuckles Given what you wrote in your previous post, maybe the mad old bat is going to get het mother exhumed and embalmed around a wire frame so that “grandma” can sit and hold the baby in a rocking chair (in the Psycho style), or be repositioned so she can hold the buggy while mummy nips into a local toilet for a quick wee.

I’d be amazed if daddy sticks around once mummy becomes increasingly decrepit and he’s expected not only to hold the baby but also look after mummy.

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Ah! That would explain a lot.

Dex…I have no words…you should consider writing horror stories with that imagination!! :laughing:

Did I read that right Pixie?

According to this weird site, yep, its true
Lyn May unearthed one of her husbands to sleep with him - Archyde

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Sometimes there just aren’t the words …

The “father” is also lost for words, since the one and only time they could have been intimate was when he was blind drunk. He doesn’t recall any such encounter, and he can’t get through to her on the phone to confirm if its true or not.:roll_eyes:

I think its a load of bunkum for her publicity, to be honest.

Gotta love 21c speak: “mental health” & “issues” is a beaut. :smiley:

I would describe her as stunning.

Nonsense Harbal she’s stunning!

The sight of her actually took my breath away, Minx.

Like I said, stunning

The older ones amongst you may remember an early sixties puppet show called Space Patrol, following the adventures of Captain Larry Dart and his crew, Slim and Husky, as they travelled between the planets of the solar system in their Galoshpere. One of the ground crew was a Venusian female called Marla - she’s the spit double of Lyn May in the OP.


Wow Judd! Almost a carbon copy

Creepily so…I wonder if that is who she modelled herself on… :astonished:

She could have - she’s the right age group. :slight_smile:

Good job researching Judd


Oh my that really is creepy, the likeness is uncanny!

remarkable resemblance, @Judd