Do You Believe This?

haha! Ok, oh my word!

never heard that one before Judd…made me laugh

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

She’s not the oldest woman to have had a child. Remember this from 17 years ago? (Cut and pasted the first few paragraphs only. Full article needs adblocker off and subscription.)

From the Los Angeles Times:
Quote: Science Helps Italian Woman Give Birth at 62


July 19, 1994 12 AM PT


A 62-year-old Italian woman who became pregnant with the help of sophisticated embryo donation techniques gave birth to a boy Monday–an event that made medical history but also promised to revive an ethical debate about the maximum age for motherhood and whether “granny pregnancies” should be restricted.

Rosanna Della Corte delivered her son–healthy at 7 pounds, 4 ounces–by Cesarean section under the supervision of a controversial fertility specialist who last year helped a 59-year-old British woman give birth to twins.

This apparently makes Della Corte the world’s oldest woman to give birth.

“Today is a great day in Italy for women, for individual liberty,” her physician, Severino Antinori, proclaimed to reporters in announcing the birth. “To want to have a child is a personal choice, and to be able to have it at any age is now possible.”

But medical ethicists–as well as some of Antinori’s colleagues in the fertility field–have long expressed serious concerns about this trend in pushing the frontiers of pregnancy.

The debate raises delicate questions: Can, or should, society set age limits on parenthood? Nobody complains when older men become fathers, so why can’t an older woman become a mother? On the other hand, is it proper for doctors to defy nature by assisting post-menopausal women in giving birth–knowing they will not be able to nurse their babies, may not have enough energy to raise them and may not even live long enough to see them graduate from high school?

“On this particular issue, we don’t have very much of a well-thought-through analysis or anything like a consensus,” said Alexander Capron, a professor of law and medicine at USC who is the author of six books on medicine and public policy.

Capron said he would have “a lot of discouraging words” for a 50- or 60-something woman considering becoming pregnant. “The very fact that it has been something men have done for a long time doesn’t make it right,” he added.

When I first looked at that picture I thought ‘she’ was some sort of inflatable doll or perhaps one of those ‘sex robots’ they talk about these days!
She certainly doesn’t look natural anyway.

Not entirely how sure they might be able to market it successfully. Just saying :wink:

There are some desperate people out there.

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Well, evidently 1 anyway

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A colleague of mine started a family with her husband aged 33
The midwives and peadiatrician were referring to her pregnancy as a ‘geriatric’ one even at that tender age!!!
68 is just dangerous and down right irresponsible.
Why don’t they adopt an older child/children if they’re keen to create a family?

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That’s true. My ex-SiL was a Midwife and she was always referring to any woman over 30 as having a geriatric first pregnancy and that was back in the 1970s and 80s.

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Crikey. My mother had me when she was 43.

I turned out OK. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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We only have your opinion on that! :rofl:


To those that are hitting JBR’s like it button for that post, you do know that your names are going in my little black book!!! Come the revolution…

Apparently she dug up her husbands remains and slept with them in her bed, despite her own mother saying she should “let him rest in peace”

A complete fruitloop in my opinion.

I thought there was a reason your body changed after a certain age…to stop you having kids and being too old to look after them? I don’t believe she conceived this baby naturally, if indeed there is any baby


Doubt its just your opinion Pixie.

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Of course, Dex, and one which I am entitled to, as is everyone! :smiley:

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In your opinion, but lets not get into that :wink:

She does sound completely round the twist.

If it’s not via natural conception, then one has got to question why the presiding medics are allowed to retain their licences.

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Its America, Dex…money calls the shots (or makes the babies)

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Surely there are codes of ethics there too?

Without wishing to sound offensive, nature has a reason for there being a time limit on ovulation.

Nothing offensive about it. Its a fact of life. Trouble is, Medicine can now overthrow Mother Nature, sadly., to satisfy the whims and fancies of the selfish people.

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Having a trophy child at her age and possible life expectancy does indeed seem selfish.