Do expensive face creams work

I would say not!

I admire Camilla for aging naturally but really it proves the cosmetic industry is just a lot of hype.

I’m sure she only uses the most expensive skin care - so what happened?

I would not waste my money on such expensive make believe!!!


I think it’s all down to the genes. I used to work with an Italian lady, she was about 20 ears older than me, had the most beautiful skin and said all she ever used on her face was soap and water. I can’t use soap on my face at all.

I remember once going into an Yves Rocher shop in London, (it might have been in St Christopher’s place), the lady behind the counter had so many lines and wrinkles that I didn’t feel inclined to buy anything there.

They probably work very well as far as making money for their manufacturers is concerned. Which is their primary purpose, of course.

Mine works a treat. :rofl: :rofl:


Camilla smoked that’s why her face is so wrinkled.

Expensive creams are a waste of money. I think eating properly and looking after your skin from your teenage years are the best bet for a nice complexion.
Some women don’t eat enough fat and that doesn’t help. I have noticed, overweight women usually have a nice complexion.

I haven’t washed my face with soap and water for years. I swear by Ponds Cleansing Cream, Olay 7 Total Effects and Nivea products.

It’s that horsey look. Money can’t buy it.


No they don’t work, I only put coconut butter on my face, as my skin is dry.

My Mum had wonderful skin until the day she died aged 95, the only cream she used was Niveria.

I think Camilla has a face that shows she has lived a life, laughed, loved and spent a lot of time in the outdoors. If you go to the US or Australia they tell you how bad exposure to the elements wind, sun etc is for your skin. In places like Arizona they age prematurely because it is so dry. Her dental work probably doesn’t help. She looks as though she has some teeth missing, chipped or badly restored giving her lips & chin a sunken look. But considering her age she looks fabulous.

ref Creams it’s a waste of money. Better to regularly exercise, take fish oil supplements, drink water, eat healthy foods, lots of fresh fruit and veg avoid alcohol, smoking and unrefined carbs, cakes takeaways. Don’t sleep on your face. If it’s too late there is always a Croydon facelift…although not without its own risks!

So that’s what Chas finds so appealing, the horesy look for when he’s booted and spurred. He can ride off into the Knight’s night and work off full day’s frustrations waiting for mummy to shuffle orf. Brace yaself Cam, I’m coming :astonished::wink::point_right::grin:

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Why “considering her age” ?
So what should 74 look like then??

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My Mum was nearly 97 when she died and had beautiful skin with hardly a wrinkle. Being Irish she was pale skinned and never sunbathed. She never smoked or drank either. She just washed with water and Camay soap and never wore makeup. The only face creams I ever remember her buying was Ponds Cold Cream and occasionally Nivea.

Luckily I seem to have acquired some good skin genes from her as I have good skin but have friends of the same age as me who are very wrinkled. It’s either people who sit in the sun too long or people who are very heavy smokers.

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I think Cammy looks okay for 74 … she might have wrinkles but her eyes still look attractive. She hasn’t got double chins and her skintone looks good and fairly blemish free.
It’s the all around look that is the thing.


The most important thing is Chas loves & cherishes her. She doesn’t need any creams for that :+1:


Sun exposure has a lot to do with it, You should see the face and arm wrinkles on some of the old dears who spent their youth on the beach here.

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I agree, Morty.
She has also still got a good head of hair.
Anyway, I also suspect that is a particularly bad photo, and probably chosen by a journalist for that very reason.


She looks real. No cosmetic surgery for her. She’s got great hair , a beautiful colour.

Do expensive face creams?
No idea.

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Love it ha ha ha ……last resort huh :joy:

I used to believe all the hype in the adds and a sucker bought them

Now older and much wiser I ask myself does those celebrities spouting all the hype really use the stuff they are trying to convince us to buy

Like hell they do

Do they really think we believe they home colour their hair to get the results they have ,yeah right

Does Helen Mirren really get her complexion from L’Oreal Face cream or is it due to much more expensive treatment hmm

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I think you’re right, there’s a lot of money to be made by celebs and cosmetic companies promising us eternal youth :lipstick:

A good few years ago there was a BBC horizon programme that showed that
Boots No 7 Protect and Perfect works on fine wrinkles so I’ve been using that ever since

It is expensive and I probably am wasting my money but it keeps my skin nice

I’ve got some skin damaging from baking myself mahogany in the sun, but boy was it worth it! :beach_umbrella::dark_sunglasses::sunrise:

Yeah and part of that money they earn trying to con us is used for all the real much more expensive treatments giving their excellent results :joy:

I have a horrible brown age mark on my face just below my eye ,concealers work a bit to cover it but my glasses are better as they sit right in the mark and hide it :nerd_face:

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