DIY Skills

I’m pretty handy at most things, having spent most of my working life in construction, but my Achilles heels are plastering and electrics which, if anything other than an absolute necessity, I invariably leave to the experts! :slight_smile:

I reckon that unless your nuts are well secured, your screws could become loose;-)

Before you consider any kind of filling-in, what about planting some spring bulbs for a small but pleasant display after what could be a cold winter:-D

I reckon that, if your a bloke, if you don’t check your nuts regularly, you’re a right spanner.

an idea did think of as well, just got to go to garden centre to measure up a trough first that is slim . Same as we’ve strawberry plants in

Is it AF - Metric - BSP or Whitworth Besoeker…?

I think that family passing on of DIY skills should be as important as Potty training or learning to read & write.

The youngsters should be involved in every task.

I know people who are happy even though they have to get someone in to change a plug fuse!


I’m not much good at plastering either. I have had a go and can get it to a reasonable finish for tiling over or perhaps in a cupboard but I take my hat off to the experts. The plasterer I used to give work to was an absolute genius.

I’m happy to try my hand at some things, though I’m not an expert at anything.

Electrical work - to an extent, probably limited to simple connections and fittings, etc.
Building - I did once build a lean-to garage which is still standing and looks reasonably straight!
Woodwork - I put together a set of bookshelves filling the whole side of a room and a couple of cabinets. Certainly not professional carpentry, though.
Roofing - I have replaced our guttering, but that’s about it (and admittedly we are in a bungalow - I’m afraid of heights).
Gardening - Marge’s department.
Plumbing - not a chance, though I once replaced a washer!
Painting - hate it. If I really have to do it, Marge has to do the edges.
Plastering - What’s that?