Divorcing each other

I have given my own views on the subject thats all

I appreciate that for you. Similar for many including my family. And many have not not been some fortunate. Divorce rates are rate rather frequent.

RS has tonight touched on the sanctity of a ceremony, promises made, if you want to live in sin then there are no sanctions, if you make a promise, it should be lived by for better or for worse, otherwise one is just contributing to a mockery.

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This all sounds very sanctimonious there is one thing that hasn’t been taken into consideration and that is human nature .
Things don’t always work out as planned vows or no vows .


Sometimes folks take vows, with a get out clause in their own minds, unwritten, that is shameful, it robs the third party of a chance of life of unity!

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Should there be a third party in a wedding ?

Has anyone seen that film called “Bridget Jones’ Diary”?

This thread put me in mind of one of Bridget’s famous quotes, when she had to attend a Dinner Party on her own when all the other guests were still “coupled up”

“The only thing worse than a smug married couple is lots of smug married couples.”

Seriously, if a couple are still together after 50 years or more, that’s great and I’m very pleased for them - it must be difficult to avoid sounding smug if they start asking divorced folk what went wrong, though.


Only if you’ve married three times

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The MC, the insurance policy.

I agree with realspeed and I would never consider getting divorced. I made my promise to God and my wife, although I’m not all that religious, I find that since the UK turned it’s back on religion, that’s when our troubles started.
Having said that…Nobody should have to live a life with a spouse they find unacceptable for whatever reason, but in my eyes, you can only marry once or you are an hypocrite and not to be trusted…I mean…how can you be trusted when you have broken a promise, why make it in the first place if you think you might break it. You have lied to God, your spouse, and yourself…Until death us do part! Serious stuff…

Yep Foxy, it’s as simple as that, if you can’t do the time, don’t commit the crime under oath, folks are so fickle.

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I do not have a God and I think religion is the cause of many troubles.

However, I often think that folk who don’t believe in God but still get married in a church are hypocritical,
I have known a few atheists who married in a church because it is “prettier” than a registry office.
That makes a mockery of the Church Wedding service, in my opinion.


Things work out but sometimes it doesn’t.

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Whether you believe in God or not, what you do in church is between you and your soul…
Are they true atheists boot, and the proof of the pudding…Have they kept their vows?

I married in a church the first time (11 years) not by choice but to please my Mother. Second time (43 years and counting) in a Registry office. I don’t think anyone would really be interested in why my first marriage failed, even if I felt I could tell the story. I think such stories bore people mostly.

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Well, I knew my brother pretty well - enough to know he was atheist as I am - and he had 3 Church Weddings and 2 Divorces.
His 3rd Wedding did turn out to be to his final love and they remained happily married until he died.

Why the vows then?

God, I used to hop about everywhere but didn’t make vows, why do folks make multiple vows, don’t they consult their history?

I don’t know - I was not my brother’s keeper.
Everyone makes their own choices.

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But, you did know him pretty well.