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Is your trash collection day different each week? My trash collection is once a week on the same day at the same time, for years. They don’t have reminder papers.

They have this in Edinburgh…big huge street bins which get emptied every week. Usually about 4 to a road, and all the residents use them. I find these more appealing than individual waste bins, if I’m honest.

They come every Wednesday, but the collection alternates between recycled waste and general waste, so my bin is emptied every other week. I don’t create a lot of rubbish, except when I post here, so I can’t tell when the collection is due by the fullness of my bin. So, on Tuesdays, I have to check whether I need to put the bin out for the following day, because I can never remember if they emptied it the previous week or not.

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Just a thought. If the bins are sitting next to each other somewhere, you could put the one that needs emptying on the outside, closest to where it would need to go. That would be the reminder which one goes next. Then rotate when bringing the bin back in.

Or I could just look on the fridge the night before bin collection day. :slightly_smiling_face:

I only actually use one bin.

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Everything on this calendar is mimicked on my phone. Haven’t missed an appt. yet. :laughing:

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You’re a busy guy Danny :no_mouth:


Ah, I see. We have different colored bins for the different trash services, and they’re the only ones that can be used.

Hey DooD,

Let the fun begin?

Oh the excitement of it all…

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I take retirement as a solemn responsibility. Plus those blank days are anything but blank. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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Well, congratulations :clap:t3:

You’re succeeding :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mine is on the same day each week too but the recycling bin is only collected once a fortnight alternating with the green waste bin, so you do need to know which week is which.

Actually my bins only go out about once a month because i don’t generate enough waste to make the effort of putting them out more often worthwhile.

I don’t have a problem with the bins. Having the schedule on the fridge door works fine. What I was originally commenting about was the fact that you don’t seem to be able to buy fridge magnets that don’t look silly. Everybody is giving me advice on how to organise my life, when what I really need is advice about where to buy sensible fridge magnets. :slightly_smiling_face:

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And I went off-thread with the bin situation. But hey, the neighbours help organise my life :102:

I need all the help I can get

That wouldn’t work because whether the bin bags are emptied is determined by whether the general rubbish will be collected that week. Chicken and egg… :rooster: :hatching_chick:

That’s fine, Minx, I don’t mind folks talking about whatever they like. :+1:

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Thank you Harbal :052:

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Amazon US has some nice clips, but Amazon UK has these


and these


Oh, I know the score. It’s been a busy week - and not even Friday yet…

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That reminds me I have to go and fetch my green bin from the kerb.

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