Disc Golf

Seems if you want to watch it live you have to buy a ticket…Although is also says free to watch the next day…
still looking for the free past two days competitions though.

Here you go:

Yes, DGPT has that on lockdown for the live feed unless you buy a sub. Rounds are posted next day though, and they usually show the final round, which is today I believe, for free on YouTube. Keep an eye out for it to show up around 3-4pm CST. If I’m by a PC I’ll post a link.

Cheers for that Plonker…I looked and looked and went away came back them realised iit was the next Day or Subs…spent my subs on Clothes…:wink:

Money better spent really. lol Spent mine on a new pot, soil, and river rock for my sick palm.

No need to pay for it to see it live unless you’re placing bets.

Great Lakes Open - Round 2:

Three years ago Paul McBeth moved disc golf a little further onto the world stage with this incredible round at the Toboggan course, the same they’re playing right now.

They’ve made a few adjustments since then as explained by Nate Heinold who’s also the TD for Ledgstone out in Peoria, which has one of the biggest payouts in disc golf, coming up in August. I’m usually playing in that one in the am 50+ division, but I’ve taken last year and this year off with tournaments. I’ll be registering for as many as possible and coming in strong next year in the am 55+ and maybe even a pro 55+ division. I’ll see where I’m at midway through the summer season then decide.

That is similar to mine out in the garden.
1st is a Olive Tree that has been going down hill for several years…just hanging in there…
Then these…they tend to get yellowey at the tips…Think it is the wind chill in Winter time…

That aquarium looks well stocked with unusual fishes and more…

Thanks for the links on the Discrafts Great Lakes…my trick is a handy tip…open two pages of Over50’s and you can refer back for info… …Plonker, not me…;-).

I just have the 2 Placo’s for now. Rick & Morty.

I got out for a practice round while our club managed to take 1st place in a multi-club challenge the next state over. My back is still a bit tight, so I’m taking it slow. I stuffed my bag back in my cart so I have a place to rest anywhere I go if needed. I usually just use the bag with no cart as they’re made to be separated depending on your needs. I started getting some form of tendonitis in my left elbow from pulling it for years so I stopped using it that way. Back to it now for a little bit.

[B]Basket Cases 1st Place![/B]

I guess the bottle should be blue plastic…but that’s bad for the environment…:wink:
Looks like you have a shop full of disc’s, so they would be heavy to lug about.
Tendonitis you need to repair thoughly before you go back to using it again. I broke a tendon in my left hand ring finger …digging out the impossible.
Club done well then to come 1st, cant get any higher…
Backs know about them and all, but hey, getting tedious comparing scars…:wink:
I’m off to play with the weeds…

lol nice pic

It’s been well over a year since I used my cart, and I kinda missed it. Makes it easier to lug all that beer (and discs) around.

A little video someone created of one of the parks near me. 50 Acre Park in fabulous Evergreen Park, IL. Notice the carved sculpture of Groot and Rocket, as well as the Cranes:

It’s really a stunning course and excellent use of the property.

just can imagine that, even strolling around it would feel nice…50 x times the size of my Garden…

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmyPOaAGERv02xnyJSeTxfuAu-CDSiak140Q&usqp=CAU good grief, he is following me now… short story…honest…

My Daughter she moved from one Town in Kent to right on my doorstep in Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex…(Near Hastings…1066 history… practically 2 minutes walk away…We said after a few years, we are now Moving to France…she get’s on a Plane, not long after that chat,
All by herself, Miss Independent…She bought a French House before even we did…:shock:

p.s. Translations available on request…:wink:

The city of Chicago is getting it’s first ever full 18 hole disc golf course, located in Hyde Park, which was also the location of the 1893 Worlds Fair. I’ve been in touch with the director and had expressed my willingness to donate my prized Hole #14 basket that came from the Lemon Lake Disc Golf complex, which has a rich disc golf history. It is my honor to be able to put this basket in the ground and also to be the the person to have the inaugural first throw at it. We’ve made arrangements for this coming Saturday.

You give some you get some…Congrats on that Pat…:slight_smile:
I will push for the genuine signature now…getting the smell of dollars here…lol
I had quite a few Autographs over just a few years of asking some band members and being in to right place at the right time…Don’t have it now…reasons out of my control…
I bet you can’t wait…Will ask for photos if you get the chance or the want to…
Cheers with the good news, Plonker…:slight_smile:

Cheers, and thanks Di.

I think they’re dong a bit of a ceremony, so there will be some pics. My scribble wouldn’t be worth the material it’s scribbled on. lol I’d wait a bit on that one.

I’ll be DJ’ing this event for the 4th time.

It takes place inside the grounds of the [B]Old Joliet Prison[/B]. If you’ve ever watched the movie The Blues Brothers, then you’ve seen the front gate where Jake is released at the beginning of it. Quite a few other things have been filmed there as well, like the series Prison Break and a few others. It’s a decent temporary 18 hole course we set up throughout the property, and it’s been scaled back a bit due to some of the buildings becoming unsafe from erosion. We get players from all over the US that come out just for the unique experience it holds. Looking forward to it. Here I am at the helm at last years event: