My nickname was and still is droopy drawers { don`t ask )
I had many nickname given by different people between the ages of about 2 & 32.
Yes, I did.
Yes, Tick Tock, as my surname was Tickridge.
I didn’t but would have liked one.At one time in our neighbourhood we had two boys with the surname James.They were both called Jammo,it got a bit confusing.
My nickname got stolen, well, it was the estate.
Spitty, if it was the estate, what is it now?!?
Gus - no idea why, no idea who/what it was based on.
I have that same problem with my nickname my grandmother called me, Scallywag, and I cant think of a reason why
Yes. There’s a thread somewhere about this topic…
Hi Minx, hope all’s well, don’t worry if you haven’t got a link and/or would rather no tell us your nickname.
Hey DooD!
Sam Fox
HaHa top heavy?
the original thread
When I started secondary school there was an arcade machine in the local chippy. I played that game to death and became pretty good at it. When you got the highest score you could add three initials and the score would be logged and flash up in the screen for everyone to see. The initials I used were ACE. The other kids all tried to beat the daily highest score but would always fail. Everybody hated the “Mysterious ACE”
After a few months I was caught putting my initials into the machine and the cat was out of the bag. Everyone now knew who ACE was and the name stuck. I felt like a celebrity but the name only lasted about a year before I became known as “Mad Ralph” for various silly antics.
Let’s just say I wasn’t your average kid but I’m much better now.
Not too much I hope.
Well it is debatable 🫤
Jules…I was always my pals when I was young. My real name Julia wasn’t really appropriate for a lass from the back streets of Leeds
Yep, Lugsie, because of the shape of my ears.
As my life progressed, first known as Yorkie, because of my accent, and then finally, Gibbs after the NCIS Character.
Luggsy love that
very cool