Understandable Mups - just try and keep the dog well out of the way and maybe some nice music in the background
Its sounding good up to now, so hopefully you will be reassured when you come to decision time …
Yes, she gave me a list thanks Meg. I had chosen 3 from the list to contact, but the first one is the bloke who messed about and didn’t turn up or even let me know he wasn’t coming, so he’s been crossed off for a start. The other two sound much better though. I think I will probably choose the one who came a couple of days ago, he lives nearby, but just want to meet the third one today to be sure. I’ll get two quotes from them when the plans are finished.
Oh dear, here we go again. The third builder never turned up. Why do these people do this? If they are too busy to take more work on, why can’t they just be honest and say so in the first place? Why say they will come on a certain day, and then not turn up, without so much as a phone call. It’s rude and ignorant.
Another problem is, the Architect found a ‘bulge’ in an exterior wall, along with vertical cracking of the mortar. There was a slight subsidence problem a few years ago, which was all dealt with through the insurance, but now I’m worried it might be back again.
Hey ho - tomorrow’s another day …
Makes me very angry when people don’t turn up, no excuse for it
Hope you get this sorted soon now Mups …
because they can and it is very annoying :twisted:
Another problem is, the Architect found a ‘bulge’ in an exterior wall, along with vertical cracking of the mortar. There was a slight subsidence problem a few years ago, which was all dealt with through the insurance, but now I’m worried it might be back again.
Hey ho - tomorrow’s another day …
That’s the problem start one job and find ten more as I discovered last year :roll:
I hope you are not touching the loft or roof Mups, if so you could be in for more trouble if there is the remotest sign of bat droppings
It is costing my son thousands and a delay of at least 6 months because a few bat dropping have been spotted in the house he has just bought and wants to rebuild. They have to get a licence then wait for the bats to breed and leave before building them a special home of their own…
Oh Gawd Meg, that cheered me up no end! :shock:
It does me too, Patsy. As you say, no excuse for it, its just ignorant. Then they wonder why we get annoyed. If they have no interest in the job - they’re not for me.
It’s enough worry for me as it is, without the men messing me about as well.
Yep - don’t let him near your property Mups, he’s shown he is unreliable - at least the other two seem a lot better …
Erm, the other ONE Patsy Only 1 out of 3 bothered to turn up.
These are just the sort of men I dread getting stuck with, and who get the trade a bad reputation.
I’m just not surprised Mups - have had the same problem many times …
Well, the latest is, the one and only builder who turned up and I thought seemed a decent bloke, has let me down about the price. He said he would let me have an idea of cost by Tuesday (last), but I never heard a word.
I phoned him Wednesday, he apologised and said he would come round tonight. He didn’t.
It seems my original fears about builders were correct.
Oh Mups how annoying…
It certainly is Meg, but it also worries me. I’m wondering if I made the right decision to have this work done. Maybe I should have moved instead. I could do without this hassle and it doesn’t bode well for the actual work ever getting done.
Have to agree with you Mups - I dislike builders because they are so unreliable - maybe you should have a look around re moving …
Yes, back to Rightmove me thinks. Only thing is, I’d now have to pay the Architect for starting the plans.
It’s all wrong the way they carry on Patsy, I can’t get my head round their behaviour. It’s not just one bad bloke, they’re all the same so far.
I really don’t want the hassle and arguing that seems part of their everyday life - it’s certainly not part of mine.
Oh dear, Mups. That doesn’t really bode well, does it? But if you have made the decision to stay put I guess you just need to persevere and check out a few more builders? Maybe another chat with the architect about these problems?
Hi Ania, these blokes are really p***ing me off (sorry to offend), but that’s how I’m feeling now.
It would be a bad enough upheavel if everything went smoothly, let alone with blokes like this lot around, not bothering to stick to their word.
That’s the big problem - have you tried the council Mups, they have a list of builders - you may be waiting till next year now …
Mups - you could give Age Concern a ring, they may just be able to help with this - worth asking …
0800 678 1601
Patsy, we said about this a little earlier if you remember, I said the council in this area won’t do recommendations, I’ve already asked the planning people.
It was the Architects and also the surveyors who recommended this motley bunch, so I hoped they would be ok. Silly me.
I will talk to Age UK Monday though, I hadn’t thought of them, thanks Patsy. x