Thanks for that Meg.
I’ll see what tomorrow brings.
Tpin, I have decided on a company to call. I checked them out on the website you posted, and will ring them tomorrow and talk to them, and see what they suggest.
Thank you.
Good, it’s the best way forward.
The offer stands. If there’s anything you’re not sure of or question any remedies offered by the insurance, just get in touch with me. I’ll do my best to help.
Didn’t get time to talk the the S/Engineering people today, it’s on my job list for tomorrow now.
Had to go out this morning, then when I got back at lunchtime, the monitoring men turned up. We had a long chat about the problems I’m having with his office and how they’re handling things and although he daren’t say too much, I felt sure he was on my side. He showed me his figures I had seen on his last visit, and I was right about it being over 3mm.
However, he said it was more than his job was worth to let me photocopy his book, even though I threatened to lock him in until he agreed!! Poor lad. It isn’t his fault, its the office bods he has to report back to who I blame.
I brought him indoors to see the internal cracking because he had never seen this before, his job is only to monitor externally. He took photo’s of the cracks around my gas boiler and I feel he will do his best to help me.
After they had finally left, the bell went again and it was the gas man arrived to do some work.
By the time I’d made him a cup of tea and he finally went, I wasn’t in the mood to start again with the engineers, so will try again tomorrow. Phew.
Mups, if you’ve seen his figures then hang fire re the engineer.
I’d give them a few days then phone the insurance company telling them you’ve once again seen his findings.
Also explain how this is effecting your health, the worry etc. A few little white lies at this point may well help, you could throw in depression etc
Also inform them that you intend going to the ombudsman, this costs them approx £500 as soon as they are involved, also mention a chartered structural engineer is an option.
It all helps. You’ve got to toughen up with these faceless bean counters.
Thing is Tpin, I don’t want to get the chap into trouble by telling them he showed me the reports. He was quite anxious when I asked if I could photocopy the page, even though I told him it is the only proof I had.
I had thought about the Ombudsman a while back, but again, it is something I have no experience of and therefore haven’t a clue how to go about it.
This is such a long, drawn out problem and rife with problems, so I don’t like to keep asking your advice, you will get sick of it and wish you’d never started.
I will do as you suggest though, and hang fire on ringing the engineers for a bit longer, until I see what this next report says when they send it.
Thank you once again.
Hey, I would prefer you talk about it, I’m a good listener and believe it or not I enjoy helping people where big corporate BS is concerned plus you’re an ok kinda gal.
I don’t like bully oh tactics used by these companies especially where women are concerned.
I’ve done battle with a few asessors in the past and won. I REALLY DONT MIND helping if I can.
Just peeping in to say …
Aw Mups, you must be getting fed up to the back teeth and worn down with all this aggro and mither.
No useful advice to offer, I’d be the same as you, just battling on.
Will a girly cuddle do instead? :hug:
Well you’re very kind, so thank you. I’ll keep you posted.
If you don’t I’ll have to resort to calling you Muppet.
You will receive a severe poinking if you do, young man.
Who was it used say “young man”?
Was it in the Harry Enfield sketches?
Twas indeed Mups, Harry and Paul Whitehouse,they do remind me of a couple of posters on here.
[quote=“Nom, post: 839171”]
Twas indeed Mups, Harry and Paul Whitehouse,they do remind me of a couple of posters on here.
I hope you’re not referring to me - young man -
I used to love their sketches Nom, so that’s started me day nicely, thank you.
I’m so sorry Morty, I have only just noticed your post.
Thanks for the kind words, and yes, your girly cuddle was gratefully received. x
deleted. Oops, sorry, this post duplicated for some reason.
Yoohoo, TPin, are you there?
I have got the February report back now. They acknowledge there has been more movement at the front bay where the big Cypress is only 1m away but are saying “this is to be expected during the wetter months.”
Is this true?
Secondly, I understood from the website you sent me before, that it is usual to carry out a minimum of 6 monitorings with winter/summer readings. These people are not doing that. They intend to stop on the fourth monitoring which will be in April. I have asked for 2 extra readings to allow for the new spurt of tree growth and summer temperatures when the clay will dry out. They seem to be ignoring that request so far.
- Am I worrying about nothing?
2)Should I talk to an ombudsman? - Should I contact another civil engineering company? I have 2 recommendations, both of which the engineers are registered on the website you sent.
- Is a ‘structural engineer’ and a ‘civil engineer’ one and the same thing?
Thanks Terry.
Hi Mups.
- no you’re not.
- hang fire with the ombudsman, let’s keep them as an option, for now
3 & 4!no, civil engineers are different to structural. What are the insurance using? You’re best going like for like so that both professionals are reading from the same page, so to speak.
Demand they take 6, you need complete and accurate figures.
As for movement being being expected in wetter months, possibly but any movement isn’t acceptable, so I’d question that
Thank you TPin. Do you reckon I ought to get an independent survey done yet?
I’ve been reading through loads of back paperwork tonight and found so many contradictions they have made, so I have emailed them and pointed out these things and said I am now very annoyed at three different surveys of theirs, giving me three different verdicts and contradictions. I said that I am equally annoyed at the lack of progress and the update they gave me this morning is exactly the same as last Decembers, so no progress whatsoever.
Fed up tonight.