Good on you phoning his boss! I really can’t believe how awful each new bit of this saga is. Hope he did eventually turn up. In the meantime, have a :hug:
Well the outcome was, I waited 1 & half hours, then phoned them to say “too late mate.” I had an opticians appointment which I had no intention of cancelling, so I went out. Sod 'em.
They e.mailed me later and said that “Admin” had made a mistake with the bookings and made them too close together. NOT MY FAULT. I e.mailed back and said even if that was the case, it doesn’t excuse no one letting me know.
They said Admin will be in touch to make an ‘urgent’ appt again.
So far - they haven’t!
I can see the Ombudsman looming on my horizon . . . .
Oh dear - I don’t know about you - but I can’t take much more …
It’s that Nellie. They’re worried about being smothered with puppy love…
[quote=“orangutan, post: 695364”]
It’s that Nellie. They’re worried about being smothered with puppy love.
Never thought of that - word must have got out.
Well, the surveyor is supposed to come back yet again this Friday now.
If he messes up this time, I shall be considering the Ombudsman. I think I’ve been patient long enough now.
You’ve been patient TOO LONG! Hope he turns up this time…
Well, he DID turn up this afternoon. What’s more, he even phoned me to let me know he was on his way, so that was a better start I thought.
I made him a cup of tea, and he sat in the kitchen listening to what I had to say. (I also told him I was locking him in until he heard me out)!
It turned out he hadn’t been made aware of all the facts or how long this has been dragging on for, so I told him from the beginning. He stayed almost 2 hours.
I found him friendly, approachable and nice (and he liked my dogs :-D), and he seemed more than surprised at alot of things I told him about, including how many botches had been made.
He also advised me to refuse to pay the excess charge the insurance tried to obtain from me again, and that he would write in his report that it was a continuation of the original claim and NOT a new claim.
He said the previous trial hole had been dug in the wrong place! He wants to do 2 more holes in other areas now, and will be coming back with the workmen to ensure they install proper monitoring equipment this time. He wants to do a 6 month monitoring investigation much more complicated than has been done previously. He wants to find absolute proof as to the cause this time, so he can carry out the correct remedial work at long last.
All in all, I feel much more hopeful about this chap. I really hope I do not have to add him to the long list of incompetent twits I’ve had up until now.
It now looks as if I will have to put up with things over this winter if they want to monitor for 6 months, but if it all works out doing it this way, it’ll be for the best in the long run, and at least I won’t have to put up with builders mess over christmas now. (I’m trying to think positive).
Apologies if I’ve been incredibly boring, but it really has been a nightmare.
He wants to do a 6 month monitoring investigation
:shock: I hope that will be the end of it Mups. Why does it take sooo long to get things sorted these days.
You and me both Meg.
If the the other surveyors had done this in the first place instead of just keep guessing what was wrong, it would probably have been all mended by now.
Fingers and toes crossed for you Mups. Let’s hope your optimism is justified this time.
Pleased to hear this Mups - at least there is ‘some’ progress x
That’s positive news Mups …
Thanks ladies. It does mean another drafty winter no doubt, because the back door doesn’t fit properly now, but I’d rather wait, and let this bloke test properly than let the insurance do any more bodged up guess work.
I could hardly believe it when he said the previous idiots hadn’t even dug in the right place!
I still wonder if I ought to speak to the ombudsman on how this has been handled. . .
i’ve got the Arboratorist (Tree man to you and I), coming from the Insurance lot today to have a look at the surrounding greenery and sort out if any neighboroughing trees are too close and need removing.
That nice surveyor is coming back next Monday with the men who will be digging more trial holes. They will be putting markers in the external walls to monitor as well.
Oh well, here we go again . . . .
Good luck with everything Mups, looks like things are moving at last
Will be thinking of you with positive vibes x
Well at least things seem to be moving forward Mups
I live in hope Meg.
The chap came, and seemed both pleasant and thorough.
He was here for ages and took no end of measurements and photo’s of my garden and external bungalow walls, as well as all surrounding neighbours trees, shrubs and greenery. He took measurements of all the tree heights, and planting distance away from my property.
He said he will write up his report tomorrow and I have asked him for a copy when it is completed.
So far, so good, so now we’ll see what the next lot are like when they come next Monday.