Decided to stay put (rather than move)

Hi Ania, the solicitor seemed very pleasant and easy to talk to. He was also rather kind I thought, because I was with him for 1 & three quarter hours, but he said he will only charge me for half an hour.
He has given me some ‘homework’ to do, and he seemed to have some good ideas.

Just before I left, he asked me what I had done for a living. I told him, then asked why he had asked that? To my amazement he said because he thought I was very intelligent and wondered what my job had been!!! No one has ever told me I’m intelligent in my life.

So there you go, for those who think I’m a cranky old biddy, I’ll have a bit more respect in future if you don’t mind.

Now Watson we need to go back to the Mups ‘mansion’ - one of those old English ones that is falling apart at the seams - see if we can give some advice.

Now pass me the home fixing cures and remedies file:

Well the water men came to do a 40 min job, and 2 & half hours later, after much faffing about, they packed up because their equipment conked out.

I don’t want to be the first to say it Watson, but water men with faulty equipment - the advice runneth over and over and…


I got cracking this morning,

I think Mupsy Pupsy these sort of phrases are best avoided if you know what I mean?

and finally in it’s entirety because I think this provides some immediate advice but also for life in general - I we give this with all our heart felt feelings:

I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go

I’m filling the cracks that ran through the door
And kept my mind from wandering
Where it will go

And it really doesn’t matter if
I’m wrong I’m right
Where I belong I’m right
Where I belong
See the people standing there
Who disagree and never win
And wonder why they don’t get in my door

I’m painting my room in the colourful way
And when my mind is wandering
There I will go
Ooh ooh ooh ah ah
Hey, hey, hey, hey

And it really doesn’t matter if
I’m wrong I’m right
Where I belong I’m right
Where I belong
Silly people run around
They worry me and never ask me
Why they don’t get past my door

I’m taking the time for a number of things
That weren’t important yesterday
And I still go
Ooh ooh ooh ah ah

there Watson I do believe we have fixed it for good ;-):wink:

Well Gumbuddy, what can I say. . . you’ve excelled yourself. :smiley:

Now go and have a lie down, take your new pills and everything will be better in the morning. x

well sometimes you can be unkind - me and old watsonia are just trying to help:blush::blush:

Ahh, I know you are.

There was a lady from North Hants
Who once worked in care changing pants!
But since she’s retired her minds ‘come rewired
And she’s fixing a hole as she rants

But she calms down the mind with ‘da yoga’
The ‘downward facing dog’ favorite poser
But when those water men cometh, she gets in a flumex
And her yoga just does a nose dosey!


Been there, done that, i have the scars both physical, and mental, for my troubles.


Oi, I’ve never scarred you, don’t take it out on me Mr. Grumpy.
I have only ever been your devoted slave who listens and sympathises and tries to keep yer pecker up when yer down.

BTW, don’t let the art class get you down. If I have ever felt like a fish out of water, it’s usually been because I am. When you find the right thing for you, everything feels better and falls into place. :slight_smile:

The Gummy’s live far away, where its warm all day,
They seem to thrive in the sun,
They sit on their porch after dark with a torch,
To hatch out their plans for next day.

The Gumbuddy nuts are an ancient breed,
Not many of them ever bred,
But I do know one, who again, lives in sun
And is known to write on this thread.

A bit temperamental - or maybe just mental,
Who knows, I cannot say,
I have threatened a slap, yet he keeps popping back,
But gives me a laugh every day. :lol:

Now behave yourself Gummy. :lol:

Im ready for ya now,an leave my pecker alone :):slight_smile:

ohh God I’ve got meself into a real messy thread - there is some domestic violence going on here and it could damage the art work!!

Now don’t you go getting on yer high horse with me young Nom.
Go and sit down and I’ll make you a cup of tea.

Is that better?

The latest is, I had a telly repair men doing a job here two days ago, and when he left he said he assumed I was aware of the loose bricks on the front wall of my bungalow? I wasn’t!

More worries, more people ‘coming to look’. They are sending a senior engineer out now. It seems both front and back are subsiding now. :shock::shock:

Watson pas me my file on " the mysterious cases of ‘double subsiding houses’

oh dear oh dear oh dear - the biggest problem to face is which door to exit from the quickest - the back or front - and heh DON’T forget the dog!

OK - now light the touch paper and stand well back

Watson pass me the file on ‘the mysterious cases of self-exploding houses’ - in and around NorthHants area!!

ps: I do think you’d be much safer in North hants - Hampshire - lovely country and no known subsistences for the past 200 years.

ok watson - lunch at the ‘leaning tower of Pisa’

The Leaning Mansion of Mups, could be a tourist attraction. You could sell Mups Cups in your shop, slightly chewed strawberries, the possibilities are endless.

You havent been Fracking on the quiet have you ?

“Positivity have you had your plus sign today”…Prince

Oh Mups you must be so sick of it all and the fact that nothing seems to ‘move forward’.

I was in the same position last year with water pouring into the kitchen through a beam in the ceiling and each builder
giving a different diagnosis :twisted:

I was initially told by two builders the cause was the flat roof leaking, then a couple more said it was due to the end wall above the flat roof needing repointing (it was only done 10 years ago).
I had a new flat roof put on at considerable cost but that did not help water continued to pour in . So I got another builder to come and quote for pointing and he said the problem was down to the cladding under the landing window.
By this time I could have screamed. The cladding was removed and replaced with bricks and so far it has been ok.
All this took months to resolve in a very wet winter and spring and my kitchen was permanently flooded .
I managed to save the 15ft kitchen celing by drilling holes in it to let the water out so at least I didn’t have to replace the whole thing. It had only been replaced a few years previously .

I dread anything going wrong with the house now, I can’t cope with all the stress and upheaval.

I do hope you manage to sort your problem out soon while you still have some hair left :smiley:

sounds like you have all inherited the “mounty python” syndrome or perhaps Eric Sykes in the “plank” ?:confused:

mind you we have perfectly perfect houses that when you lean against them they fall down completely into a hill of dust - “white ant” you see!

I think Watson & Holmes will need a larger filing cabinet the way this is going Gummy. :slight_smile:

Ha bloody ha! Fat lot of help you are Mr.Nom. :smiley:

However, all is forgiven because I do like the ‘Mups Cups’ idea, but you need to help me think of something else I could sell when the lightly chewed strawberries are out of season.
I suppose as a last resort I could take in washing, as long as no one objected to it being returned dirtier than started - owing to Nellie dragging it all off the line.
I suppose I could ban her though?

I know Northumberlanders talk funny, but inspite of that you’d still be very welcome to call in. And as its you, and you’ve been so helpful in the past, you would be entitled to a free cuppa and a strawberry (just the one).
Now this could only be a one off offer, unless of course you wanted to stay and help me with my fracking, then I might be prepared to negotiate on your laundry.

Please let me know a.s.a.p. as I am expecting to get booked up very early.

P.S. I hope you wouldn’t mind standing on the scales in the doorway as you enter, as if you’re very heavy it could make the floors subside. :smiley:

don’t worry watson is out as we speak looking for a good second hand onev - new one he asked - don’t be silly watson this case could finish in a landslide disaster!:-p