Decided to stay put (rather than move)

Oh I know you are - bit like meself :-p

Watson – pass me the Patsy file – erhmm – no successful cases solved this year so far; none solved last year either – ya know Watson I’ve got a feeling about this one and I think she’s onto something – yep I’ll go with Patsy on this one – last edited note Mups to stay and re-assess!
Ps: have filled suitcase ready in case subsidence occurs unexpectedly


You’re a nutter, Gumbud. :lol:

(but thanks for making me laugh). :wink:

Take a step back and keep looking at new places. Im a firm believer that fate will bring the answer…

Thanks Ania. x

day ave a lot of fate in oiland - send some over here!:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Going to view another bungalow tomorrow, it’s got a bigger garden than here, the dogs would love that. It looks very nice, but it may be difficult to sell my one.
One estate agent said “there’s people she can ring” and was confident it wouldn’t be a problem - although the price might well be.

Worth a shot though

You won’t know if it will be difficult to sell until you try. Worth putting it on the market to test it? Perhaps it depends on what the charge would be if you took it off the market again, but maybe look into that option.

Mmm, I’ll look into that. I’ve got the water authority people here as I write.
They said that the cracked sewer pipes were only hairline cracks, and in their opinion is nothing to do with the subsidence. They will still ‘patch’ them as a precaution for any future troubles though.
They are not impressed with the previous idiots who put the wrong size pipe liner in 5 years back. This chap said he is going to report it, so that’s good.

At least that’s one thing less to think about :slight_smile: So onwards and upwards…

Yup. I’m trying to think positive.
The water men seemed very thorough but are coming back to do another quick survey on Wednesday. That should be fun (not), because that is the same morning somebody else is ‘coming to look’ at the big crack across my kitchen ceiling!
In between these events, I have still got the bungalow viewing to do, plus a hospital appointment to get to as well!

Oh well, keeps me out of mischief. :102:

I think with regard to sewer pipes “onwards and upwards” would not be an appropriate cry - rather “downwards and downwards for ever and ever” would be more in keeping?

Watson pass me the file on the Mystery of the hairline cracks in the pipes.

Ah I see that was an easy one to solve Watson - too much crap being pushed out for so long and one large fart brought it all hairline cracking.

is there a moral to the story Holmes - yes Watson - she with hairline cracks must use more makeup!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:

“Pipe down” Gummy.

Surely though if it’s not the water pipes, and they seem to have investigated those thoroughly enough now, it has to be the insurance company that sorts it out. I know when my daughter was burgled the insurance company arranged to have a new patio door installed - I realise it’s a different problem but still one that is beyond your control.
Wouldn’t it be good if your insurance people could get a builder in and get things put right?!

YES !! that’s what I was trying to say “pipe down” NOT upwards!!

you got it on one!:mrgreen:

A busy day. 2 appointments today, plus shopping.
Another busy day tomorrow again. Water men coming back at 9am and workman coming at 10am. Then an appointment at 2pm, and out again just after tea.
I think Friday’s my only peaceful day this week (so far). No wonder I’m tired.

Well the water men came to do a 40 min job, and 2 & half hours later, after much faffing about, they packed up because their equipment conked out.
They said they will be back tomorrow to finish the job - sigh.

While they were here (4 of them), another bloke turned up to ‘look at’ the kitchen ceiling where it lets the rain in.

Just as he left, my carpenter friend arrived to ‘look at’ why the boiler room door won’t shut lately. He said he knows a friendly builder who might to my work.

I missed my Yoga this morning, missed my pensioner meeting this afternoon, and now, will have to miss my Yoga again tomorrow.
This afternoon I told the insurers to get their flippin’ finger out, and after that I was so fed up I, made a solicitor’s appt for this Friday. I think its time I had some proper advice, but it will cost.

I got cracking this morning, and got some jobs done before the water men came and started fiddling about down the sewers again. Got the dogs fed early, did my wild birds, had a shower and my breakfast, then waited for them to arrive. They didn’t! Never showed up all day, even though they told me they would be here at 9am.
Neither have the insurance people been in touch to update me with anything.

I’m off to talk to a solicitor tomorrow at 11am. I think I’ve put up with more than enough now.

Hope your solicitor was helpful. You certainly HAVE put up with far more than enough.
How was the last bungalow viewing?