De-extincting mammoths

A Harvard genetics team is attempting to bring back Wooly Mammoths. There is no shortage of Mammoth DNA due to them remaining frozen in the perma-frost since their extinction 3,000 years ago. The team believes that they will be able to clone mammoths by using elephants as the host.
How very exciting.[/SIZE]

Totally irresponsible - remember Jurassic Park?

OK that was just a film, but some of the points it made were valid. The world has moved on and no longer has the habit to sustain these creatures. Are they going to breed them just to keep them in captivity for their own amusement?

Sorry to rain on your parade, Bakerman, but I do think scientists should stop playing God.

I think it’s a great idea but the DNA may not be viable and as elephants themselves are difficult to breed it may never happen.

How long would it be before the poor creatures were hunted for sport?

They would be so lovely fluffy elephants !

The Japanese started researching cloning them years ago.Lots of docus on Russian satellite TV over the years.

I feel just the same as you Tabs.

Or on UJ’s menu . . . :slight_smile:

Oh, come on. There are lots of places where wooly mammoths could happily survive. The Siberian Plain for one example and several places in North America. In over-crowded Europe ? NO ! But the world is vast, and much of it is uninhabited. A European may not comprehend seeing a sign that says, “NEXT PETROL, 150 Km”, but I assure you those places exist.

Very easy to surgically insert a mammoth’s embryo in an elephant. Simply put her under sedation and do what ever is necessary.

If this succeeds, think of the possibilities. Americans succeeded in bringing the Giant Condor back from the brink of extinction. The American Black-footed Ferret was thought to be extinct. Several breeding pairs were found and now the species are doing quite well. The Chinese Panda seems determined to go extinct but the Chinese people refused to give up. Now, the Panda is alive and thriving.

The very thought of a living, happy herd of Wooly Mammoths roaming the tundra, gives me goose-bumps of pleasure.

If it takes a hundred well armed men to protect the Wooly Mammoth then so be it. I’d darn sure do it for free.

Sounds like a mammoth task they are undertaking. Well someone had to say it

Surely if god had meant mammoths to survive he wouldn’t have ended the ice age? Isn’t this just another case of man playing god?

Not sure that any "god"had anything to do with it ?

god? You actually believe in that?

Just because we can does not mean we should especially as we don’t look after the species that we have at present.

I was actually being ironic as Bakerman has a deep belief in all things godly, whereas I, in fact, am the greatest heretic ever to walk the earth… :wink:

What ? Bakerman has a deep belief in what ?
Where in the world did you get that idea ?[/SIZE]

tried to download a beautiful painting of a mammoth herd. I’ll keep trying.

I can see both sides of the story here, yes it would be very exciting to bring back extinct creatures but as others have said, it wouldn’t take long for man to turn it to his advantage.

I love the concept though. They could bring back Frank Sinatra.

That must be old. :shock: