Dad! Mum! Please, I can explain

Have you ever been caught red-handed by your parents while doing something they shouldn’t know?

My elder sister and I snuck out the house once to meet her boyfriend who had ‘borrowed’ his dad’s car. Of course, the cops caught us just as we skipped the fence of our property.

My sister and I in our nightdresses with socks on. I was terrified. I have never seen my sister plead so much in her life. She begged and cried with the cops.

They eventually let us off the hook with a scolding and we quickly jumped over the fence and crept back into the house and into bed.

Her boyfriend was not so lucky, he got hauled off to the police station where is dad was called to go fetch him and the impounded car. He got a very strict punishment.

Go on, share your stories:-)

I did go to Sunday School without wearing a tie once,never again!

I have to ask,why did you both go on your sister’s date and why were you only wearing night wear ? :slight_smile:


Parents were really strict so my sister was not permitted to go on dates. We snuck out the house and had no time to change. Clearly, we didn’t think this through. I was her wingman :wink:

Done loads of stuff, but too smart to have ever been caught…:cool:

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Not my parents, no.

I did get caught by my Aunt when she came into my tent that was pitched next to her and my Uncle’s caravan, and caught me snogging my Lovely Cousin.

Of the three of us, only one was embarrassed. :mrgreen:

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Is that legal?

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Does it matter?

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Dad! Mum! Please can I have some more?:wink:

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Depends what constituted the Tent Pole.:lol:

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Oh I’m sure I have, no doubt several times.

I just can’t remember what it was.


I hope so. I’ve been married to my Lovely Cousin for over thirty seven years.
She would have been seventeen or eighteen when her mum surprised us in the tent that day.

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It’s legal to marry a cousin.if they decided to have children, there could be birth defects.

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It is legal to marry a first cousin in this country. It is not necessarily the same throughout the world, which may be the reason for the question.

Birth defects are more likely where children of first cousins also marry first cousins.

In our case, my Lovely Cousin and I are not blood related, but that’s another story entirely.

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Picking up where we left OFF
(pun intended)

What did you do in your childhood that may have resulted in trouble with your parents


Alternatively, what did your kids do that landed them in hot water? :rofl:

I was on the bus on my way home as a youngster with a fag in my mouth, smoking away, my dad was on a coach on the opposite side of the road watching me smoking,:open_mouth::open_mouth:…what chance of that happening…

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What happened next @pauline3!

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Not parents as Dad was dead by the time I was5 and by 8 I was with my paternal grandparents.
When they left off being publicans, they moved lock, stock and barrel to Teddington where I made new friends and there were eight of us. We were warned repeatedly not to go anywhere near a certain part of Bushy Park that was walled and fence off due to deep water. One summer’s day, eight of us climbed the challenging wall and messed about with the water, but that day, only seven of us returned😢 I’ve been very wary of dark still water ever since.

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You don’t want to know, I got home, and I had to feel all the anxiety of what he would say to me when he got home from his trip,…fear is an awful emotion.

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LD, I’m so sorry! It reminds for of Phil Collins song In the air tonight


:hugs: a hug for you LD.

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Can you imagine bringing up 3 boys on your own, they ran rings around me at times, my youngest when a teenager came home by ambulance one night, he’d been drinking, how he ended up in the ambulance I have no idea…another had been drinking ,he phoned me at around 3 am, saying can you pick me up,:open_mouth::open_mouth:

They have children of their own now, not quite the age of causing major problems yet.i wouldn’t wish on them what I went through though.

I love my boys dearly, it was all part of their own growing up.

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