Cryptic Films

Sweet Charity

Sorry, should have said your first suggestion. And the star’s father has not just died.

Breaking Glass.

Yes, that’s the one!

OK, next:

The assessment involves a renowned university.

A Chump at Oxford

Didn’t we have that one before Arena?

This is another film noted for its musical content, this time from the nineties.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

No fraid not, Arena.

This film had an involvement from two prolific British Comedy writers…

Carry on Columbus

No, but your university choices are getting warmer…

I’ll rephrase the clue to make it slightly easier:

The observations include a renowned US university…

The Commitments

You’re spot on Devo. Screenplay by Clement and La Frenais based on a book by Roddy Doyle.

Over to you…

Ta. Here’s a contrived one…

French woman’s got her tail up at 10 Wycherley Avenue!


No, Matilda would attract a completely different audience!

It has just occurred to me the clue is very slightly inaccurate so…

Woman’s got her tail up at 10 Wycherley Avenue!

is better (which should be a clue in itself).

I ran the clue past my not-at-all cryptic crosswordy son and he got it in a minute. The only stumbling block being the penultimate reference which needs a biographical knowledge of dead entertainers.


Don’t know that film.
This film is the latest in a series with the same director for all of them but a different lead character.

Mad Max : Fury Road?

(Wycherley was Billy Fury’s real name)

You’ve got it! Well done.