Cryptic Films

Eyes wide shut?

You’ve got it Amac. Have to make it harder!

Thanks PR - no need to make it harder :smiley:


Is feed key in the source of alcohol?

This is a very popular film from the 1960s which scores around 95% on the Rotten Tomatoes website and has a cast of many well known names.

In a poll 15 years ago male viewers picked this as the family film they would most like to see on Christmas Day. It’s not a Christmas film.

This is a war film.

Sorry to butt in. Is it…The Great Escape?

Well done Art :023:

Feed = Eat

Key = Esc

The Source of Alcohol = The Grape

Hence The Gr[eat Esc]ape.

So, it’s over to you…

Oooh Amac, :slight_smile: l haven’t done this bit before… Please can you do one instead whilst l think of one for another time? It concerns deep thinking!

I was thinking Cape (SA) as the source of the wine!

Ok… Here goes…

Sounds like a gardener has joined the sailor.


Correct! Purplerainbow, Well done!

Good one Artangel. Good to have fresh blood! Next: The Three Degrees lose one before me!


No Amac. An iconic film likely fondly remembered by many.

The novel from which this film comes from is credited as one of the first environmental novels.

The villain of the film was never seen on screen.

Two asteroids were named after two of the main characters!

This film is older than me, which must be a first!

Silent Running?