Cruise Ships are Back

No fair dinkum blue!

You must have good memory being so long ago.

once lost never forgotten!!

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My experience too though to be honest it was actually better than I expected but not good enough to want to go again. I was with a party of about 20 people a lot of whom were celebrating their 30th birthday (not me).

Cruising is a cheap option if you have kids, it is rather like Butlins in that regard as the kids are entertained all day. The adult entertainment was OK especially if you like bingo and quizzes but probably a lot less and not as good as I remember Butlins (I was only a tweenager then.)

The beer was pub prices which was OK. If you are a glutton then you canā€™t complain about the food certainly there were a lot of very large people tucking into very large overflowing plates in the buffet section.

The ocean looks exactly the same in the middle as it does at the edges so Iā€™d rather watch it from land. The shore trips were OK but I suspect it would be more fun to fly there and hire a guide to take you around than shuffling around with a bus load of people from the ship.

As I say I have no inclination to go on another cruise, once was quite enough.


yes everytime someone mentions butlins I feel my mortal coil disappearing

Bruce cruising can be as cheap ie a quick trip around the Isle of Wight or a world cruise. It also depends on where you are cruising as to cost and what cabin you book. I would hardly call the ones we go on are cheap but that is our choice

I realise that, my cabin had a bedroom, a dining room, changing room, walk in wardrobe and spa and the balcony was larger than most of my kidā€™s cabins but none the less it is a cheap holiday because it does everything on such a large scale. Itā€™s cheapness for what is included is why they are so popular.

We had many gatherings of 20 people in the cabin and on the balcony which is why I booked this particular cabin

Again it depends on how big the ship is .I still consider a cruise is better than being stuck in some awful B+B or a hotel where either you are confinder to the hotel pool with screaming kids running around making a nuisance and drunks staggering around being sick.
It comes down to like cruising, or those who are anti are usually those who have never been on one so run them down or jealous of those who go on a cruise

Actually I run my accommodation down by calling it a cabin, it was called a ā€œsuiteā€ and I had my own steward, well I say my own, he served a few other suites but he was handy for getting drinks and snacks when you had visitors and he came with the suite.

Well, I have been and while it was better than expected unless my kids decide to go on a 40th birthday cruise I doubt I would ever go again on one. It is not my idea of a good holiday at my age, I prefer more freedom to go places on a whim because on a cruise you are definitely stuck on a ship.

I am not anti cruising I just think there are much better and more enjoyable holidays to be had. for example a few years ago I went to The Horizontal Falls, a place visited by cruise ships but I feel I had a much more enjoyable time visiting it the way I did.

While I was in Broome a cruise ship called in and while I had lunch I watched the poor sods being ferried back and forth in small crowds, definitely not jealous of their holiday.

No, not my idea of a fun holiday there are much better ways of doing it.

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@realspeed , Nah! Thats all in yer ed RS ??
Donkeyman! :hugs::hugs: