Cruise Ships are Back

still re-cycling then speedo S? did ya see RS go then that was amazing at the speed of light

just sayin if those cruise ships had of stayed off shore wouldn’t have caught a thing!

Spitty is now the “English Patience”

is that patience or patient? or patented? I’ve been told that once you’ve consumed a jar of Worcestshire sauce you’ve no patience at all

Stoic can crumble, this could be a problem, if you are someone’s “Rock”.

Patina maybe

““Let the water and the blood
From thy riven side which flowed
Oh, be of sin the double cure
Cleanse me from its guilt and power”” will this help at all??

as close to cruise ships I can get to again??

Dunno, will have to read it at least 10 times under different psychological states to come to a conclusion.

I hear they have a lot of psychic states in usa?

There are a lot of Sur rons in LA.

wot 'append to the HD’s ? cruised off into the sunset?

did you hear about the ghost cruise ship?? - full of covid activities??


that’s why the prisons all emptied - free hols lads and lassies but kept ya ankle bracelets on!!

it’s a hols ya gotta like to go on heh?

Not my cup of tea.Too much humanity in a small space and you can’t run away.

the last time I was on one I was in a cabin with a blonde for weeks and didn’t wanna run away?

OK that’s a fib isn’t it?