Crossing Places Off Your List

It benefits the gene pool too and reduces the benefit bill. A win win situation all round.

I guess that depends on where one is sticking their gene pool tool. :confused:

If they are dead they wont be sticking anything anywhere?

This is a must if you are coming to England. Yorkshire is fabulous, well, not the part I live in but York and the Yorkshire Dales are fab. I’d love to move to the Dales.

Wild horses couldn’t keep me away from Yorkshire! When i eventually make it GB way, I plan do do what I suggest to people coming this way, which is setting aside at least 2-3 weeks to see it properly. I appreciate the suggestions, Summer!

I like touring around Britain, looking at museums, castles, old towns & villages, and going to folk and blues festivals.

But this summer I have been put off by the state of our motorways, they are just so busy & crowded now, and almost permanently in a state of repair, it just makes things so difficult.
It used to be quieter if you drove overnight, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference now

I live in Burnley, but now if there is anything that means I will have to cross Spaghetti Junction I’ll have to seriously consider if it’s worth the effort. In fact I missed a festival in August for that reason

You are perfectly correct. I, too, despair at the state of our motorways. They have been inadequate for many years.

The explanation is there for all to see. Take a look on a map of Europe. Look at the extent of motorways in Germany, a country that is not a great deal bigger than the UK, and compare that to a map of our own motorways. Lack of investment is a British characteristic, I’m afraid.

What makes it worse is that the problem is reflected in other aspects of our transport infrastructure.

Our railways are a national joke, which is particularly annoying when you remember that we invented them!

So that leaves domestic flights. Well, in my experience most are good (I exclude Ryanair of course!), but all are held back by slow security, check-ins, etc.

I sometimes feel that the only reliable mode of transport is Shanks’s Pony!

I haven’t travelled by train for several years; their reputation has proceeded them; a friend recently travelled from Leeds to Nottingham, which was “standing class only”

I’ve just posted another thread about bus passes,and I hope to use use mine more often
Yes it will be slower, but I’m retired, and I’ll make the journey part of the holiday

I think the main problem with trains, at least in our experience, is cancellations. Northern Rail has been on the national news several times regarding this problem.

I have a bus pass as well, but I’ve only used it once! I suppose I could make more use of it, but I’d have to do some research to see where the buses go and when they go there!

We’ve strayed a bit from the Thread title, and started discussing transport, so let’s get back to Crossing Paces Off Your List
Here are some of the places I’d like to see next year -

Various museums in the south east Midlands & Home counties, such as The de Havilland Museum; Weald & Downland Museum; Bletchley Park; Northampton Museum of Leathercraft
I expect there will be others when I look into things further

My favourite guitarist is Michael Chapman. He sings a song called ‘Postcards from Scarborough’ in which he mentions Paradise, which is the old part of town; thought I’d just go and have a look, though I think it has been discovered & gentrified since he wrote the song.
I’ll combine it with a visit to Flamborough Head, Spurn Point, and have a look at the coastal erosion

I passed through Berwick - on - Tweed several years ago when I was on my way to some hiking in the Borders & Kielder. It looked a nice town, so I’ll make a proper visit & spend some time there

For all these I’m sure I’ll find other things to see
Not sure what I’ll do for transport; probably drive in the north - east and buses in the south east