Covid bereaved families 'sickened' over No 10 Christmas party

I think Starmer might have been too busy with his “other jobs”!

But others may come forward…?


Well, it does seem essential to be sure that only those who are throwing stones are indeed without sin.

I’d imagine that Covid bereaved families would also be ‘sickened’ if they discovered that it was not only the Tories that had parties.

PS - the post describing other parties not held at No 10 is potentially off- topic. (Sorry to.mention this on here, but it seems that I am no longer allowed to flag anything up anymore)

Sadly, these are the people who have been used “for political reasons”!

As was stated, in an earlier post, in this Topic!

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Agreed, and hopefully further investigations into other Christmas parties held not only by the Tories but other political parties. …

(Am assuming that this is about people being upset, and not just an exercise in Tory bashing!!)

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Jacob Rees-Mogg caught on video joking about No10 Christmas party scandal

Jacob Rees-Mogg caught on video joking about No10 Christmas party scandal - LBC (video)

Speaking to the crowd at a speech at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Mr Rees-Mogg joked: "I see we’re all here obeying regulations, aren’t we?

"I mean, this party is not going to be investigated by the police in a year’s time.

“You are all very carefully socially distanced…we have moved, I am pleased to tell you, from the metric back to the Imperial system: I notice you are all at least two inches away from each other which is, as I understand it, what the regulations require.”

There more, lots more that is abhorrent on the video … :scream_cat:

Rees-Mogg is Leader of the House of Commons - is the Tory party in Parliament led by an absolute moron … :scream:

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I obeyed the Tory rules for a year before I was allowed to see my mum who lives 260 miles away. I was going to go at Christmas, then in March but the lockdown prevented me. Once we had been double jabbed off I went, but unfortunately she died the night before I got there.

Meanwhile, in the background, Boris, his disciples and media chums were all partying behind my back.

Never again will I support these tory bastards, never again will I defend them, never again will I vote for them. I know other people like me too, my friend who was married for 30 years who couldn’t see his dying wife in hospital or hold her hand while she slipped away and instead had to use an iPad, my other friend who couldn’t see the NHS until it was too late. He had his funeral last Friday.

We aren’t laughing Boris and you will never be forgiven,… you and your communist chums Whitty, Valance, Ferguson and JVT.


We, the people, are always being played, it’s what politicians do!
EDIT …I’ve just discovered, the BOT can be ignored LOL!

I have to wonder how many of those that died had not taken any covid vaccinations at that time. having a party was wrong but lets have all the facts about those that passed away as well.


Remorse from politicians? No 10 or otherwise, I very much doubt it!

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This is, of course, on topic. We are being played by the use of sick and dead people, coupled with their bereaved families being “sickened” (what an emotive word if ever there was one!) by this story at this precise moment in time.

Edit - and a lot of people have fallen for it. Hook, line and sinker. Who’s fooled who, eh?


We have learned a lot during this Covid environment.

Many have been damaged by it , many have experienced the tragedy it brought.

Many have ignored it, many have pushed to get their holidays & theatre visits going again, many have failed to mark the risks.

Will we kick out the Government & trust the opposition instead?

A lot of questions.

Not a lot of leadership - Wherever we look!


What I think we can all pretty much agree on is that laughing at anything surrounding the issues under scrutiny was somewhat unwise.


I kinda thought the opposite - that Boris has brought in Plan B earlier than planned to distract the conversation away from the uncomfortable revelations about last year’s Christmas Party!

That seems to be a “throw in the dead cat” tactic he has used before quite successfully.


Possibly. It’s all a matter of opinion.

Perhaps I give the powers that be more credibility than they deserve, eh?

Hi all I’ve deleted all posts referring to the ‘bot’. While it’s ok to ask for people to stay strictly on-topic it really is just a polite request (and ideally it should be added when the thread is created) and if people ignore the request it’s best just to ignore them (unless they go completely off-topic by posting something totally unrelated to the thread, in which case flag it).

With regards to this thread, I think it’s reasonable to ask whether other parties were having similar threads as it’s all related.

Please don’t respond to this post but just carry on with the thread, thank you!


AFAIK, no other political parties held Xmas parties last year but, of course, if FMs have evidence then they’re welcome to post it.

My wifes cancer was told towards the end of 2020 that his Cancer, which was already known to be terminal had progressed further. so last Christmas was, we thought, yet again, his final one. But due to Covid restrictions, my wife was unable for the first year in many to not see him. Yet Boris, we now know, almost certainly had a friend to stay & more than one government party almost certainly took place. And the Tories objected when Angela Rayner use the term scum to describe oner of them!! That term feel totally justified & mild considering their actions last Christmas.

My wifes father is still here & yet again has been told it has got worse. The Tories are the same, still here & getting worse.

Is it just me who is thinking all this hoo-ha over the last couple of days could be set up by Tory spin doctors as a distraction?


I like this sentence, from the DT today, which many will not want to consider.

It is “on topic” as I see it!

" The fundamental appeal of Boris Johnson – which remains strong and explains why he is hated by the establishment – is that, over Brexit, he successfully called the bluff of the powerful. His cheerful expression of hope over fear won the referendum, the Tory leadership election, the general election and achieved actual Brexit."

It does give a possible explanation for what the media have been pushing recently!

I say, “Well done, for that, Boris”! Now clear up the leaky mess of the group of Tories who should be backing you!"