Covid-19 Vaccinations

I am not interested in percentages! Everybody who had Covid, despite how fit they were , could have passed it to somebody else. That somebody could have passed it to others. Over 100,000 have died from it in the UK so apart from their families they have also put the lives of medical staff at risk!
None of those people wanted to die but the attempts to save them also caused people with cancer to be unable to have specified treatment… thanks to the fact that Covid was so infectious. My close friend has incurable cancer, but they are keeping her alive with Chemo, Covid made her have to miss one Chemo session so she has been very ill owing to the delay caused by Covid.

In my mind, even if only one person died from such a disease it would be a tragedy, so we have now had over one hundred thousand tragedies.:frowning: I know that we can still catch Covid, even after the jab , but it shouldn’t last long as the vaccine will help us to have sufficient antibodies to fight the disease quickly. To me that means, even if I do get Covid the chances of me passing it to others will be much reduced. I thought that was what we were all hoping for, but it seems that too many people can’t wait long enough achieve it or some don’t give a dam so long as they don’t catch it.
I would like to think that the children born today will not have to be confined to their homes and watch their economy go downhill, because they were born into a world where people cared about future generations! The only way we can do that is by everybody, who can safely have the jab, getting one because I understand that people of child bearing age will pass those antibodies to their children & help prevent this happening again!

Excellent post Twink and I bet there was many in that over 100,000 who thought it would never happen to them.

Ahh …You’re only a youngster. :slight_smile: I’m 76 and have accepted all the injections I’ve ever been offered over the years. If there was an injection supermarket, I’d probably be there. :slight_smile:

I’m still riding my bike and outpacing many people on walks. I could say the jabs have kept me fit but it looks like accepting or rejecting vaccinations doesn’t have much bearing on fitness levels.

Edit: Typo

You are right mart, vaccinations won’t keep you fit, but they do a good job of keeping your immune system healthy, as they encourage the production of antibodies to destroy infections! :smiley:

It’s 2.2% if you look at the current world 2.5m deaths to date as a proportion of cases to date (111m)

So just 1.46% of the world population have had it if I have my billions correctly worked out at 7,794,798,739 (from worldometer). I always get confused with the short (US) vs long (everyone else) version of a billion

Anyway based on it being only a tiny % who have had it how many deaths would be projected if everyone just let it rip?

I seem to be OK on them so far. There is possibility the vaccine could have some ill-effect in a few years time but I reckon it’s worth the risk.

The only trouble with getting someone to change their minds is what if they are the small percentage that the vaccine affects badly? Doing what I believe to be the right thing has to come from within a person I suppose.

There was talk about making it compulsory, but probably no need as so many people wanted to have the vaccination!

“If I was travelling there I would have the vaccine too…”

So you’d go to a country with a known virus which requires a vaccination for you to be safe?
So planet earth now has a known virus which requires a vaccination. What’s the difference?

Because unvaccination people can get the virus but be asymptomatic, so spread the virus unknowingly.

So can vaccinated people Lindy…And you would be more of a danger to me than I am to you…
Doing what I’m doing has managed to keep me covid free for twelve months’ish…And despite not having the flu jab each year I managed to keep clear of flu since 1995…:surprised:

Because in most foreign countries that require a vaccine are where illnesses are carried by insects or drinking water or food. Because Covid can only be caught indoors, airborn, from a person, it will be very unlikely that I will ever catch covid, and even less risk of me passing it on to anybody else.

That sounds like something the third reich might consider Twink. It’s a good job we live in a free country where human rights are paramount.

It’s a good job that most of us are observing all of the safety measures and lockdown isn’t it Annie, or else deaths would be a lot more serious. It makes you wonder why we haven’t locked down in previous serious outbreaks of flu. Our local hospital is usually full to bursting at this time of year with many deaths. It seems like the holier than thou brigade have taken the high moral ground once again, and in an attempt to take out their aggression and find someone to blame seem to have leveled their hatred upon the people who don’t want the vaccine. It’s called peer pressure using vigilante tactics…

We haven’t had a proper pandemic for 100 years. When the Spanish flu was doing it’s worst there were lockdowns, people were told to wear masks, people protested against lockdowns, people were sceptical. I think the estimates with the Spanish flu was about 50m dead. But they didn’t have a vaccine then.

Do you just make these figures up?

According to John Hopkins University these are the current mortality stats:

Are you better informed than this university? perhaps you could publish your data.


I had my vaccine Friday and yesterday I started to react to it.

It was not unexpected as I have had Covid and reactions are more common in those who have had it.

Distinctly uncomfortable but manageable and quite positive really, it shows the vaccine is working.

Another couple of days and the reaction should be over.

Vaccine after effects more common in those who already had COVID.

It is much milder than actual Covid.


We have not had cases of flu this winter and the experts put this down to the lockdown which has reduced transmission rates.

Hospitals appear empty, they are not.

No outpatients, even cardiac rehab is done online.

No visitors due to Covid.

Staff have moved to deal with Covid, it needs more staff on Covid Wards and the recovery wards.

Foxy I want to ask you a question!
If one of your neighbours unknowingly became infected with the virus and shouted “good morning” to you from his garden, who would you blame if droplets from his shout hit your nose or mouth & a couple of weeks later you ended you ended up in hospital with life threatening Covid?
Would it be the neighbour’s fault for not wearing his mask when feeding the birds in his garden, or yourself for not getting protection from the a vaccination?
I am only asking because there is strong belief that most masks do not protect the wearer, they just stop the wearer from passing this virus to others.

I had my jab just over 3 weeks ago &, although I don’t feel any different, my knowledge of how vaccines work makes me feel safer, yet I never felt safe wearing a mask, keeping 2 metres apart & not letting people come into my house! The only feeling I got from doing those things was the belief that , if i did have Covid, I would be less likely to pass it to others & put their lives at risk.

You are a popular member on OFF, so maybe we are just trying to prevent you catching the virus, by persuading you to consider the vaccine! :slight_smile:

You didn’t read my post properly did you Brucey…
They are not my figures at all…:102: see above…