Could you live in a caravan?

No PixieK, not in the US. I follow this lady on YT - Becoming Bev Love her channel!

In fact there are a few solo travelers that I follow, all in the US.


Yes, I would live in it year round and do nothing but travel. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Here you go,try and see… :grinning:



Oh that’ll do me! :+1:

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These are also called Caravans…maybe a lunchtime viewing would suit Madam… :grin:


Ugh, no ta! Not for me :frowning: Not a fan of camels…!

I could not allow this topic to pass without sharing this exquisite voice … Barbara Dickson :sparkling_heart:


Well if this a family thing, then best take some notes.
Think your not, but still good to be fore armed…as they say…

Trixie, thinking your break time is filled up now!


We know of someone who when they retired sold up and bought a static van in west wales… a Beautiful part of the country.

The site is a very good one, with an owners club, spa, restaurant etc.

He admitted after he didn’t want to retire to a caravan, but it was something his wife had always wanted, he said she always went along with his plans making sacrifices putting herself second… so for once he put her wish first.

They had a good pension, savings, sold their home for over £250K. The static then cost £32k top of the range, site fee then
£3200, they had to vacate the site 8 weeks each year (then) which they holidayed.

After a few months living on the site, a friend asked how he was coping, his attire had changed from blazer and tie to shorts sandals and T shirt, I was told he looked healthy and tanned.

He said even after a short while, this move/change had been the best thing they had ever done…Financially they were better off, they see their children and grandkids more than ever… They have made many friends and are never short of company… the site has security, shops, café’s, diners, arcades swimming pools for the family to enjoy….Yoga and other activities which his wife now takes part, along with their walks along the beach or coastal paths, or sat on their patio enjoying a evening snack with a glass of wine……

I must admit it sounded great to me… But I am sure there is/was a downside too


Wow, that sounds like a good move for them @marciniak :+1:


It did sound good… But people fail to mention the downside of thing which I’m sure there has to be.

Mind knowing them it did sound good and kinda make me think…yes :grinning:

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Everything has its ups and downs whatever you choose to live in.
…It will work for many and the points you mentioned are overall great and always have company when you choose to… lifestyle would never suit me …I need my own space and don’t really want that type of social life…I need a large garden more than a large home.
We did love the travelling holidays we had more than anything else we did with our lives…For now with Covid19 we are homebirds…


Oh bother, now I’ve got a silly :musical_note: :musical_note: going round and round in my head!

I’m Popeye the sailor man
I live in a caravan
There’s a hole in the middle
Where I… :rofl: :rofl:


Doubt it, I like to spread myself out.

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WE used to own a caravan and towed it on the back of a car. Great fun for a short time but it did have its drawbacks. Having to empty the pan from the toilet was unpleasant as wedll as getting water for the site tap when it was raining. If it turned cold at night you really knew it as well.

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…play my fiddle?! :innocent:

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Yesh, I think being in such a small space like would really get really irritating after a while. I’m not good with putting things back all the time :roll_eyes:


When I lived at the stables, it was winter time in the north of Scotland.
Baltic wasn’t the word :snowman:


Writing from experience when we as a couple needed to be swiftly rehoused when a bolt of lightning set out house ablaze during mid '95. The insurance company soon discovered that living in a small(ish) coastal resort town, very little was available for short term lets. Luckily, an acquaintance’s family ran a holiday resort coupled to a group of 3 caravan sites and just by luck a few strings were pulled; by sundown we were moved into a 3 bedroom somewhat luxury caravan. We stayed in that until the site closed down for the winter, by which time a bungalow had been found to house us until our own house has been rebuilt. That caravan was completely adequate for our needs and if the right site with good spacing was available, I could move into one quite easily.
I know of one member in OFF who owns their own park home and they seem to enjoy their life in The New Forrest.


We have had great Holidays in the New Forest with our own Touring Caravan and bought it from new at the London Camping and Caravan Show in 1986 and still have it…parked up now, and the inside looks almost new…Not the outside though… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Yes I think as long as the condensation is solved during the cold months and you have space around you…I know some have small gardens as well…Would suit many people…
Site costs are geneally high though…