
As far as I can remember Karl said to Stella “I killed Sunita” but Stella didn’t take him literally. Pity Karl didn’t say it to Jason, it would have been a different outlook. :wink:

Thanks for confirming that Alicat :slight_smile: It must have been only a few moments I missed as I guessed it was something like that. :slight_smile:

I have just watched the repeat episode of Corrie, where Karl says to Stella, I have killed Sunitta, and Stella says what do you mean you have killed Sunitta, then she says to him, oh it’s not your fault Karl, you had feelings for her once and you are just feeling guilty, then she snogs him.

0and given Karl’s history, surely Stella would have questioned him more than that about what he meant. Unless Paul can raise the alarm by mentioning he smelt smoke on Karl that night, I don’t see how anything other than a confession from the man himself can bring him to justice - grrrr.

Nice to see Tyrone and Fizz back together again though. Just hope the writers leave them alone for a while.

Who is Boris and how did he die ? (meerkat advert) I thought Boris was the Ginger cat surley they havnt murdered him ? Or did he die choking on one of them !!!;0)

Hi Baggy, looking at the advert with the Matchbox as a coffin, on the front of the matchbox there is a design of a Ladybird, so perhaps Boris is a Ladybird.

yes just looked at the video it is Bodgans pet beetle … Phew mystery solved …;0)

Oh yes you’re right, it’s a beetle.

Tina is leaving the Street!!

Do you think she will die in child birth ?

Tina will be on our screens until May next year. I’m hoping she will get back with Tommy and they both go hand in hand into the sunset :smiley:

Any reason why been given? I really like Tina and can think of a few others that I’d rather left the cobbles!

Not heard why either, and agree there are others i’d prefer to give the boot.
Julie will be on maternity leave before long.

I like Julie as well - oh well, at least Ken and Deidre are still there :wink:

All I have read is that Tina want’s to do other things apart from Corrie.

This is what I heard as well. I wonder if Gary will go off with her as the storyline goes :shock:. Maybe he’s coming out as well. I don’t know, I’m only guessing.

She’s going with Mark Wright from TOWIE in real life, I don’t know if that makes a difference to her life.

Yes, Tina is leaving in order to pursue other opportunities. :slight_smile:

Nice on Mags :023: Weve got at least another year of her then :wink:

Anyone else noticed how miserable they’ve all become on The Street? What’s happened to Coronation Street’s landmark of humour and lightheartedness?

I get a laugh every time Steve McDonald is on the screen … his expressions alone are amazing! :lol:

He is brilliant isn’t he :slight_smile: I saw his wife once being interviewed and she says he is exactly the same at home :lol: Without Steve, Lloyd and Eileen, it would be a bit dull now!