
Don’t much like him I’m afraid, never did.
It’s been saying in the papers that he will only be seen on screen through April, then he’s away again “to sort himself out”. Don’t see the point in coming back just for a month then going again, but no doubt all will be revealed . . .

Anyone think Marcus looks a bit like a Meerkat?:-), Maria caught them in the Show Home, Marcus looked detached, but Todd had a Semi.:lol::lol:

I think that if Kevin is only making a flying visit, it is to make the point that he is not gone for good.

Although I am not a fan of his character, I am very glad that he (and ITV) are showing that they will not let slanderous and false accusations impede his career.

Yes, I can see what you mean now you’ve said it! :smiley:

So he does! :shock:


Well observed! I think he is an terrible actor and I won’t miss him.

PS, I hid behind a cushion when I knew they were about to snog. Yeuk!

Why do they feel impelled to put that in a soap!

Yes, Marcus definitely is related to the meerkats - although the baby one is cute…

The Artist - Eh?

Oops - wrong thread :shock: .

Is it just me who thinks David Platt looks different? His hair’s weird but also his upper lip looks - well - longer - as if he used to have a moustache and has suddenly got rid of it. Something’s strange, anyone else noticed?

Yes, he has started looking a bit like that bloke on Build Buy or Restore.

No, its not just you eccles, I thought the same. I agree his hair’s different but there is ‘something’ else too isn’t there.
I also thought the little shrimp looked a bit broader too, maybe he’s been doing some weight lifting or something?

See, the wife is right, as usual.

So she was SF. Clever girl.

Well I am really puzzled. I thought that Tina was going to be pregnant?

Isn’t she a nasty piece of work? And as for Michelle, screaming like a fishwife in the street. I really hate her, and wonder why Steve bothers. She does nothing but moan and nag. Nag nag nag nag nag!

I wish all the men would man up, as it were.

Completely agree with everything you’ve just said Jazzi.

What about that hateful Phelan at the moment, don’t you just want to smack his leery face! He’s going to have to get his come uppance soon surely.

Do you remember a while back when I said if Beverley Cullard was returning, did it also mean her daft husband, Jim, would re-appear at some point too? Well just saw in todays paper - he’s back in July (so he is)! :lol: Can’t stand the man.

Oh noooo!!! Oh that’s it, I won’t watch it then. Already I’ve been muting the scenes between Anna and Phelan, or FFg if it was recorded. Pretty soon I won’t want to see anything in Corrie at this rate.

[Pretty soon I won’t want to see anything in Corrie at this rate.]

The stories are very convoluted, Sophie and her friend Maddie are boring.