
Here is an interesting punishment for the people that keep ignoring Boris’s safety rules. I imagine it would be quite a good deterrent:


People caught breaking coronavirus rules in Indonesia have to dig graves and climb into fake coffins.

The chilling penalties are being handed out in East Java and Jakarta following a surge of infections.
The country has the highest Corvid death rate in South East Asia.

People not wearing masks face a fine or community service digging graves for victims.
A web video shows some made to be in a coffin to ‘contemplate their wrongdoing.’

What an excellent idea! And televise it too.

Covid data for Thursday, 15 October 2020

Global Cases: 38,743,864
Increase: 382,575
Global Deaths: 1,096,876
Increase: 6,065

Cases 27,357 Change: 20
Deaths 904 Change: 0
Critical 1
Cases per Million 1,069

Cases 654,644 Change: 19,724
Deaths 43,155 Change: 137
Critical 516
Cases per Million 9,629

Cases 8,150,043 Change: 59,790
Deaths 221,843 Change: 970
Critical 15,219
Cases per Million 24,581

Yes, I thought so too JBR.
Might make these idiots think twice before they start partying.

Begging the governments to punish and ostracise those who are exercising their freedoms to meet family members, wear masks, and congregate outdoors…?
Are we sure that we’ve thought this through?..

Good grief! They’ll be telling us we can’t have sex next!
Oh wait a minute!

You have to wear a mask though TessA…:017: That might throw up a few problems though…:confused:

We still have the original fish slab and stocks in our market square - perhaps we could revitalise those to humilate COVID morons … :038: … and we could use the cross as a pillory … :023:

That’s not the case OGF. Those punishments listed should be applied to the really bad offenders; the ones who believe they are free to endanger other people who know how to behave sensibly. Like me!

Marge regularly travels to Bradford to see her mother, and both of us are happy to wear a mask in places such as the supermarket. I have no problems with that. In fact, I have never personally seen crowds of people behaving stupidly in the way described, but then we have the common sense not to venture into those sort of areas.

As for congregating outdoors, I can see the sense in making that illegal if done in large groups which will spread the virus. The same rule should also be applied to groups such as fox hunters and grouse shooters. There’s no way that the rich and privileged should be allowed to do things that the rest of us are not.

I suppose that would depend on what sort of sex you indulge in!

Or are able to indulge in JB…:confused:


I don’t think most offenders believe that they are endangering other people JB, I think they believe that their freedoms are being eroded away unfairly. I also believe that the vulnerable (like you and me JB) should avoid these people in the same way that I wouldn’t enter a smokey atmosphere (like outside the entrance to our local infirmary or pub) and I have no right to insist they stop smoking while outside, and neither have we the right to prevent mass gatherings. We should just avoid them ourselves.

Fair enough, but if covidiots become infected they can do two things: infect others; and take a hospital bed that a responsible person better deserves.

Ah JB, but where do you draw the line, you could say the same about Smokers, the Obese, and adrenaline junkies. And you could argue that if they gave it to someone else, the onus is on the vulnerable person who associated with such a reckless human being. Apart from shopping in my mask, the only people I associate with indoors are my daughter and her husband. I observed the lockdown and didn’t see them for over three months, but that will not happen again. Some things are more important to me that Covid…

Foxy, I didn’t mean one man in the street refusing to wear a mask, so much as people like this. Have a read of this from the Daily mirror today -

" The night before Tier 3 lockdown brought chaos to Liverpool’s streets.
As the clock struck 10 pm on Tuesday and the bars closed, revellers poured on to the streets with some attacking a police car and rowdy parties breaking out.
"Almost 1500 venues have been forced to shut in and around the city.
"Phone footage showed a large crowd blocking a police car in the city centre, throwing drinks at it while shouting abuse.
"A witness said young partygoers were defying every single social distancing rule imagineable.

Mersyside chief constable said he was ‘absolutely livid.’ adding " The actions were selfish, dangerous, childish and brought shame onto our city."

Much as I luvs ya Foxy, I don’t agree that is anything to do with ’ exercising their right to meet family members.’
And if yobs like those were made to dig those graves, it just might bring it home how serious this situation is.

As I’ve said before, the only rules I observe are those set by my own common sense.

As an example, I wear my reusable mask that I have been using for several weeks now(!) when shopping in the supermarket.

As I maintain the necessary distance from others, and as I believe I am not infected (Marge and I perform regular temperature checks and are aware of the signs and symptoms of covid) I am sure that I am not about to infect anyone.

Covid data for Friday, 16 October 2020

Global Cases: 39,175,462
Increase: 431,598
Global Deaths: 1,102,941
Increase: 6,065

Cases 27,371 Change: 14
Deaths 904 Change: 0
Critical 1
Cases per Million 1,070

Cases 673,622 Change: 18,978
Deaths 43,293 Change: 138
Critical 563
Cases per Million 9,908

Cases 8,216,315 Change: 66,272
Deaths 222,717 Change: 874
Critical 15,270
Cases per Million 24,780

Australians in London, India and South Africa will be given access to charter flights to bring them home under a deal finalised today by the federal and Northern Territory governments.

The decision will give thousands of people currently stuck overseas the chance to come home and quarantine in the Howard Springs facility, 25 kilometres south of Darwin.

The Prime Minister, Scotty from Marketing, said it would mean around 5,000 extra people would be able to return on the flights between now and March, but not all would quarantine in the Top End.

He said flights from the United Kingdom would be first.

That is something for them to look forward to isn’t it? Quarantining in the Top End during the wet season, that’ll be fun.

I’ve been doing exactly the same JB, it’s only recently I splashed out on a designer mask…:cool:

I agree that the revellers in Liverpool have gotten out of hand, but you can only push people so far before they react, and it’s usually the young. They feel like they are indestructible and have less to lose than us old’uns. I’m not saying it’s the right attitude, and it had to be Liverpool didn’t it… But I see in the future more of this kind of thing happening. As long as we keep out of the way of the crowds, and wear our masks, we should be able to weather the covid storm…Good luck JB and Mups and stay safe…:wink:


I was in Lidl this morning, all masked except for one couple, when he turned round, maskless, I looked at him and turned round and went back away from him.

He followed me.

Got a problem mate?

Yes, I am just distancing, just had a heart attack and cannot take any risks.

He went from aggressive to apologetic , apologised, pulled a mask out of his pocket and put it on.

his partner also apologised.

They are not all bad, just fed up with being told what to do.