
Yesterday went to Southend.

No parking any place on the seafront All the cafes shut.

Went to Two tree island.

Watch a women throwing a ball into the sea for he Collie countless times she then stood up and took her dress off and then went for a swim(had a costume on)

The place was packede

Then drove to Canvey all cafes shut.

Down to where I park no spaces left parked around corner

But sat on a bench on the sea wall for about an hour and got some Vit D:lol:

Another reason for the favourable london stats galty could be that
Just like in the black death plauge all the infected londoners went
to live in their country cottages thus reversing the statistics??


It was quoted that London locked down two weeks before the rest of the country.

So hopefully in a couple of weeks your infection will fall.

Your infection rate is very high.

It is abundantly clear to me that our governments are failing us. They had ample notice that sooner or later another plague would fall upon us. Did they take heed and make even moderate preparations ? No ! they did not.

Hell, I’m not an epidemic specialist, but even I knew, years ago, that another plague was coming.

When it became obvious, even to the less educated, that this plague was headed our way, did the governments slam shut the borders ? No ! They did not. Even today many governments are allowing people to enter and then disappear into the crowd. Criminal negligence !

I can understand that a government might not be willing to spend 100’s of millions on ventilators, but to not spend a few million on facemasks is criminal negligence.

Since we can not rely upon our governments to protect us, it is up to us to protect ourselves. It is obvious to me that only the strong or extremely cautious, or the young will survive this plague.

I can’t but help wondering if our governments are not deliberately trying to kill off 100’s of thousands of elderly in order to save on future health care costs. To me, that is the only reason I can think of for government ineptitude. :twisted:

Or to deliberately destroy economies bakerman, I don’t know why, but when we do find out, I fear it will be too late to return to normal. Or at least, what we thought normal was…

The best conspiracy theory I’ve seen is that the virus has been created in order to subjugate the world’s population and the vaccine will create mind control. Once you have the vaccine you will be theirs (whoever “they” are). Aliens perhaps? Well there have been UFO sightings over the Isle of Wight in the last week!

Ah here it is :

The vaccine will apparently contain microchips to control humans!

A friend who is also anti vax and thinks Covid is like a “bad cold” sent me a link to a presentation where these views were being sold to flat earthers around the globe.


You should be writing Sci-fi programmes. They’ve just begun to show repeats of a Quatermass series on the tellybox. I reckon yours could be at least as good! :lol:

I’d like to explore your idea a bit more, Now, I can easily understand why China would do such a thing, but how could our “leaders” gain ? If our “leaders” were leftists, that would make some sort of twisted sense, but conservative leaders ? Hmm.

Global Cases 5,197,519
Global Deaths 334,672

Cases 7,095
Deaths 101
Critical 9
Cases per Million 279

Cases 250,908
Deaths 36,042
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 3,698

Cases 1,620,902
Deaths 96,354
Critical 17,902
Cases per Million 4,900

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says pubs, cafes and restaurants will be able to serve up to 50 people at a time from June 1, as NSW coronavirus cases continue to decline.

The Premier described expanding the social-distancing limits as a “big step” in the state’s economic recovery from COVID-19.

Under the new measures, hospitality venues will be required to adhere to strict guidelines to operate:

[]Each patron must have at least four-square-metres of space
]Bookings can be no larger than 10 people
[]No patrons will be allowed to stand, mingle or dance
]Shared cutlery and buffets are also banned


Facing a tough election in October, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is coming under huge pressure to open the state’s borders, so visitors in search of winter sun can start to get the tourist industry back on its feet.

She’s in the sights not just of the Federal Government, with Mr Potatohead, Peter Dutton, (“a proud Queenslander”) leading the charge, but of NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian as well.

The border issue sees a cross-party grouping. The Labor jurisdictions of Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, and the Liberal states of South Australia and Tasmania all have their borders closed.

NSW and Victoria have never gone down this path.

Cruise ships will be banned from entering Australian waters until at least September, after Australian Border Force announced the prohibition on ships over 100 would be extended by another three months.

Global Cases 5,306,158
Global Deaths 340,040

Cases 7,108
Deaths 102
Critical 5
Cases per Million 279

Cases 254,195
Deaths 36,393
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 3,747

Cases 1,645,094
Deaths 97,647
Critical 17,109
Cases per Million 4,973

[]The global death toll from coronavirus has passed 338,000. There are more than 5.2 million known cases of infection but more than 2 million people have recovered, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally
]Australia’s death toll stands at 102 and there were 14 new cases on Friday
[]The federal government is being urged to extend the JobKeeper program following the embarrassing revelation that its usage was overestimated by $60 billion
]A major study has found that the drug favoured by US President Donald Trump to treat the virus increases the risk of the death significantly
[*]The UK has announced international travellers will have to quarantine for 14 days from June 8


That’s bugger all really, I don’t think civilisation has anything to worry about.
I bet more than 340,000 people die each day in the world.
If I was good at maths I reckon it would represent 0.00000000000001% of the population. But when I went to school there was no such number as 7 Billion…
The snowball effect of global panic caused by the media and the internet and the damage to our comfortable lives far outweighs anything the virus has inflicted.

You might well think that it is bugger all but it 340000 extra dead people and you might think a bit differently if it was your wife who died from Covid19.

340000 is just the number of deaths so far this is not over yet it might only have begun.

There might also be long term effects on the 5 million people who have had the disease we just don’t know.

How did I know you would make it personal Bruce…:009:
We are all going eventually, it doesn’t mean we can’t discuss it…Life is such a bitch sometimes…:cool:

It has to be personal, death as a number has no relevance to anybody. It is only when you think of Covid19 killing someone you love that it makes any sense.

This is discussing it

l agree with wha you say totally OGF,

We are just suffering from a natural reaction to over population
that every species on this planet is subject to imo?
All the economic crap that is happening is due to the way we
eventually over reacted to what is after all a very small adjustment
to human numbers as you so rightly say!


Could you post the total births alongside the total deaths Brucy?
It may give you a bit of context??


O dear must not be talked about it because are thought police.

Numbers can only be understood if you have something to compare them to, and I compared them to the probable numbers of deaths that occur in the world each day. In which case the numbers on Covid19 deaths are very small in comparison…If you are going to dissect those numbers into individuals, then every number represents someones Wife, Husband, Father, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister etc…But that would be making it personal and leading the discussion away from the original statement Bruce.