
Global Cases 4,804,846
Global Deaths 316,711

Cases 7,054
Deaths 99
Critical 12
Cases per Million 277

Cases 243,695
Deaths 34,636
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 3,592

Cases 1,527,664
Deaths 90,978
Critical 16,355
Cases per Million 4,619


Queensland’s border with New South Wales could remain closed until at least September, after Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk reiterated her intention to keep southerners at bay despite easing coronavirus restrictions.


For the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, South Australia no longer holds the top rank for the nation’s highest number of tests per capita.

Following a weeks-long testing push, Victoria has surged to the top spot, hitting a record high of more than 20,000 tests on May 15.

Victoria has consistently lagged other states and territories when it comes to coronavirus testing.


New South Wales health authorities say only one case of coronavirus has been identified in more than 10,000 tests conducted in the past 24 hours.

Director of Health Protection Jeremy McAnulty said that person contracted the virus overseas and was staying in a quarantine hotel.

Of the 3,075 coronavirus cases in NSW, 370 were locally acquired from an unknown source and Dr McAnulty said one of those was still under investigation.

That link to Age UK gives useful information about taking vitamins and supplements. I recently also found this one which also recommends Vitamin D for those who don’t get outside in the sunshine very much and we don’t exactly get much sunshine generally in this country, especially in our winters which seem longer than ever:

Global Cases 4,894,254
Global Deaths 320,186

Cases 7,068
Deaths 99
Critical 11
Cases per Million 278

Cases 246,406
Deaths 34,796
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 3,632

Cases 1,550,294
Deaths 91,981
Critical 16,868
Cases per Million 4,687

SA has no active cases of Covid19

In a surprise move NSW schools to return to normal classes on Monday

Global Cases 4,988,994
Global Deaths 324,958

Cases 7,079
Deaths 100
Critical 9
Cases per Million 278

Cases 248,818
Deaths 35,341
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 3,667

Cases 1,570,583
Deaths 93,533
Critical 17,249
Cases per Million 4,748

Premier Gladys Berejiklian has encouraged people interstate to book a holiday in NSW, after announcing coronavirus travel restrictions would be scrapped from June 1.

Cultural institutions like museums, art galleries and libraries will also be allowed to open from the same date.

World shaking news Brucy!
We’ve all been waiting breathlessly to hear that!!


Ooh look!

See how much lower are the cases per million of Covid-19 in Australia compared to our backward country.

How wonderful the Australians must be.


Don’t hold your breath too long Assman it’s probably not good for you but I am glad you were excited by the the news. Anything to brighten your day.

Yes, stunning news indeed thanks for pointing that out, but you are quite right Australians are wonderful however credit must go to the Kiwis too .

New Zealand

Cases 1,503
Deaths 21
Critical 1
Cases per Million 312

Maybe this news item explains why Australia has done so much better than the UK in regard to the COVID-19 virus. The comments regarding the expected drop in property prices are rather worrying though. It remains to be seen how the UK might eventually be affected by any drop in our property prices, it could be equally disastrous:

“Commonwealth Bank of Australia said its base case is for an 11% fall in home prices, though in a prolonged downturn a cumulative 32% slump is possible. National Australia Bank Ltd. said in a severe downturn, prices could plummet 21% this year.”

I honestly believe that most of Australia’s good fortune concerning the spread of Covid19 has been down to it being their summer…Figures here are receding as we enter our summer period.

How does that work with Brazil though OGF? I think it’s more down to population density and in Oz they generally have more social distancing because it’s so darn big. 25m people over how many miles? Whereas Brazil has 209m and a lack of social distancing. It’s pretty warm there now but their deaths are rising sharply. Even Brazil’s coldest months are like our Summer. 25 people per sq km vs 3 in Oz. Sidney has a pop density of 407 per sq km, Rio’s is 5,377.

There certainly could be something in population density but that can’t be the whole story because for example Wollongong has only 100 cases despite being the third largest city in NSW.

The early and comprehensive lockdown including closing state borders and international travel, enforcement of social distancing and banning unnecessary travel were the main reasons for success in my opinion. Taiwan doesn’t have a low population density but they have been exceptionally successful for similar reasons.

New Zealand had a much harsher lockdown than Australia but their figures are much the same so there appears to be a limit to how effective a lockdown can be.

I don’t think the weather has anything to do with it because they are still not sure why flu is more prevalent in winter - the current theory seems to be that it is because people are confined indoors and in close contact rather than purely temperature.

Global Cases 5,090,061
Global Deaths 329,732

Cases 7,081
Deaths 100
Critical 9
Cases per Million 278

Cases 248,293
Deaths 35,704
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 3,660

Cases 1,593,039
Deaths 94,941
Critical 17,815
Cases per Million 4,816

Australia’s sources of Covid19. I think all new cases in NSW in the last few days were returning residents in compulsory quarantine after arriving from overseas.


I don’t think the weather is that much an issue other than outdoors being better for virus dispersal. We stay in here in the winter in stuffy rooms that spread disease.

Don’t you all live in big houses with none of the terrace houses and tightly packed apartment blocks we have in the UK? Spain and Italy are well known for their apartment culture. But Oz has a different culture and I’ve always been under the impression that many live in palatial dwellings with big drives and gardens. Perhaps I’ve just watched too many Antipodean soaps!

In the UK the worst effects have been noted to be in crowded accommodation with several generations living in the same dwelling. Care homes have the same issues. So much of this could be down to culture and lifestyle.

Not bosting but

Yesterday no new cases in London and to the East of the City.

We are doing social distancing.

Not like up North where they had 4000 case last week in one day

There are plenty of apartment blocks especially around railways stations - this is a government policy - and plenty of Victorian terrace houses in central Sydney. I don’t think it is homes that are the problems because we have to stay home but it is travel to and from work and shopping where the problems are hence the social distancing rules.

My daily walk takes me past a station car park where commuters to Sydney usually pack it out by 7am but since Covid19 the park has been empty (half a dozen cars at the most).

Now that things are slowly going back to normal limits have been placed on public transport, for example a max of 12 people on a bus, 32 in a double deck train carriage and 45 on a harbour ferry .

There are green circles stuck on the seats you are allowed to use to maintain social distancing but people are avoiding public transport almost completely.

My son travelled by train to Sydney today and said that there was only a dozen people on a four carriage train in both directions as people take to their cars to commute. Pop up car parks are being created to cope with the extra traffic as well as extra bike lanes.

We are waiting to see if the relaxing of restrictions leads to a rise in new cases.

NZ and Australia are now talking about opening air travel between the two countries to stimulate the tourist industry in each but that won’t happen for a while yet.

Londons doing better than ozzie then galty?
Probably for the same reason?
Even the germs cant live there!!


I didn’t mean it was exclusively down to the warm weather Annie & Bruce…:018:
One of the main problems with Covid19 as I see it is; Different countries have different reasons why the disease spreads so fast or it doesn’t. I meant that indirectly the summer seems to have an effect on colds and viruses, whether this is down to overcrowding of warm places in the winter as Bruce points out, or the lack of vitamin D in the winter experienced by us in the Northern Hemisphere. Or could it be the growing population of older people in some countries and not so prevalent in others? Could it be the distribution of older people? Care homes seem to have had more than their fair share of fatalities.

People in year round warmer countries might never had to endure a cold of flu, and get hit pretty hard when they do. Perhaps people in the UK are more resistant to colds and flu and some protection might have occurred over the years due to their exposure to any kind of virus, but it could be that the population density is more the problem in the UK.
But it would certainly account for infections in Spain Italy and possibly even Brazil…

Here in my little corner of ‘Up North’ we are taking social distancing extremely seriously Galty, but because people are more spread out anyway (excluding the cities) the virus is having trouble getting round so we are a long way behind London; But ‘getting round’ it certainly will, and eventually will burn itself out as more people catch it, recover, and prevent the spread to others just like I believe is happening in London. Probably less deaths up North though because we’re ‘hard’ up here!..Specially in Yorkshire…:019:

It seems to be improving in some areas but not others.
Where my friend lives ’ Up North’ they had just 8 new cases in 24 hrs, but here in Northamptonshire there were 43 !! :shock:
