Don’t you think that hard-core communism, and dictatorship is a similarity ?
My post did not suggest any connection between Vietnam and North Korea. It was said that scientists believe the figures given to them by Vietnam. I asked if they also believe the North Korean government when they said they had no case at all in their country. Nothing to do with the political differences between the two countries.
Thats how l undersood your post BB!!
Not all of us believe in jetting all over this planet Brucy!
Look what youve caused!!
My daughter was sent home to work from a big Gov building employing hundreds.
Doing the same job from home.
Talk is as google has done office will be shut and she will work from home in the far future
She is in the HO max security division and can do the same job from home with a secure computer and a secure phone same as her office
Might be a lot of empty office buildings soon when firms see how much money they can save.
According to figures posted by Judd elsewhere on the forum*, the UK is way down the list of European countries suffering the most deaths per million of population. I believe the reason for the rapid spread of the infection in some European countries is not just down to late or poor reaction times in the first instance.
The northern winter climate could have an effect; cold and flu viruses do seem to abate during summer. It could be the lack of vitamin D, that would explain the higher than normal incidence of dark skinned people being infected. And it could be that infection started long before it was first recognised as highly infectious with high mortality rates.
I heard about a choir who were experiencing covid like symptoms as early as December after a couple of members returned from China some weeks before.
Imagine how serious the spread would have been if infected people were circulating in cities long before it was discovered. No lockdown in the world would have prevented a major spread several weeks later. And it didn’t. Coincidence?
Just be thankful Bruce that the climate in Australia at the time of the first infection was not conducive to a rapid spread.
*Found them…Thanks Judd…
[I]The rest of the world but Europe in particular have nothing to boast about.
Deaths per million as of today.
Belgium: 756
Spain: 576
Italy: 511
UK: 495
Only UK results are reported fully.[/I]
We are fourth highest in the world per million and the deaths have only been reducing at a very slow rate compared with some countries. Of course you can’t compare countries because it’s affected by demographics and density of population as well as healthcare and culture. We seem to have more covidiots here than some countries.
There is a bigger question here.
Covid can be embedded in the population.
HIV is.
We have a vaccine for Measles, people still get it.
We have a Flu vaccine, but we still get it every year.
Covid is selective, hardly any effects on kids, they handle it well.
It affects the elderly and those with severe health conditions.
This is the new normal.
Global Cases 4,429,810
Global Deaths 298,174
Cases 6,989
Deaths 98
Critical 18
Cases per Million 247
Cases 229,705
Deaths 33,186
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 3,384
Cases 1,430,348
Deaths 85,197
Critical 16,349
Cases per Million 4,321
It’s the news no beer lover wants to hear, millions of litres of the liquid gold is being poured down the drain in Australia.
With pubs closed across the country, and not due to reopen to large numbers any time soon, huge quantities of beer is going off in kegs.
Debunking the Narrative with Professor Dolores Cahill. Has anyone seen this video? It’s a bit long but well worth watching:
and this appears to be a followup:
That vid is awesome Lindy…
You may laugh at what I’m going to say, and Bruce certainly will…But my gut feeling all along was the same as Dolores describes. I couldn’t understand the fuss made by the media when these viruses come and go each year and the human body has it’s own response. It certainly explains why two people living together; One gets the virus and the other doesn’t.
I also have posted elsewhere on the forum about vitamin D and together with Zinc and vit C it can give an unprotected person the ability to fight back and lesson the complications. One more reason why the elderly in care homes [who rarely see the sun in winter] are more susceptible to the symptoms.
I’ve only watched about half of the clip but will watch it again with Mrs Fox later. Thanks for posting it Lindy…
If these videos are correct, we have to ask why governments are taking their current course of action.
I think we need to see what laws are being passed while all this virus panic is going on…
Maybe there’s a cull going on. :shock:
I took vit C and zinc, also vit D and calcium when I had a bad virus in December. I’m not convinced that it wasn’t Covid 19 as I had most symptoms and it left me with vertigo. (My wasband had just come back from Japan, via Hong Kong and had visited.)
I always take those in winter, seldom have colds, (since I moved here I’ve had a few, never had them before). I don’t have flu vaccinations and don’t get flu.
Being ex-dispenser, I am very wary of taking any medication.
Have you watched the youtube clip Tessa? I’d be interested to know if after watching that, you’d be happy to be vaccinated with the vaccine so many countries are apparently working on.
I know exactly which laws I’d like to see passed. Unfortunately, I can’t say because I may be straying off-topic!
I’m pleased to say that I haven’t had a cold for some time now. In fact, I don’t remember the last time.
I put it down to my age. I once read somewhere that the more colds you have, the more resistance you build up.
If its Fosters its no loss Brucy!!
“unless they have chronic conditions such as cystic fibrosis then there is no issue…” Well that is the key statement. Because this is killing many of those who do have chronic conditions in the UK.
There’s so much garbage on the internet.
I’m interested in your comment about Vit D because if you have researched the subject you will know that as we age our ability to process Vit D deteriorates so you can take supplements but if your body no longer metabolises them as in a healthy individual it makes not much difference.
Much vitamin advice assumes that our bodies still work as though we were twenty. The immune system of an 80 year old is in most cases not the same.
All I know is that there is an undisclosed link between anti-vax, pro-life and religion. This lady is a member of a party that is strongly linked to pro-life and it appears from the video that it is also anti-vax. Now I’ve seen that anti-vax is linked to pro-life because some vaccine in the 60s used aborted foetus tissues to generate the seed of a vaccine which is still used today. Anyway, there is a link there and it’s not disclosed. While there is this link I take any videos like this as fake news.
Fosters is an English beer, It hasn’t been available in Australia for decades, no one misses it.