85 kids spread across the U.S. have developed something new which is called pediatric multi-symptom inflammatory syndrome. Doctors in pediatric intensive care believe it is caused by C-19. Additionally, the children are having trouble with their hearts pumping sufficient blood to the brain and other organs.
All but one of the children have tested positive for C-19. Doctors caution that it is a tad early to positively link this new illness to C-19, but they say, “It is extremely suspicious”.
Matt Hancock stated that the 105,000 airline passengers per
week arriving in uk will have no measurable effect on the uk
infection rate?
Who told him this?
As there are only 207,000 infected people at present in uk, this
107000 represents approx 50% of the current active cases, so
every week we have a 50% influx of potential new cases!!
Who is he kidding???
The figures are Hancocks own, lnhave been supportive of Hancock
up to now, but reading this data makes me worry about our mp’s
mental states?
There seems to be something lacking in the present crop of
politicians of all persuations imo!!
Im a Matt Hancock supporter
and while I agree that there are all these potential cases flying in ,isn’t the it won’t have a measurable effect because they have to go straight into 14 day isolation ?
Self isolation. I wonder whether anyone checks that they stick to it. But thankfully due to the lockdown most people are pretty much having to socially distance and most people will be avoiding anyone in general.
It has been reported that there will be trials of temperature checks at Heathrow. That is my other bugbear with the scientific advice here. Other countries are wearing masks and carrying out temperature checks. Over here it’s scoffed at. Giving reasons that it will make people think they are safe. Very disappointing that we think we know best. A simple test to check temperature will immediately identify the very ill. Not checking people means that nobody is identified. So everyone thinks they are safe. No precautions, no masks just puts everyone at greater risk, but of course our experts know best…
I was but my support is now wavering. He has avoided answering numerous questions in the last couple of weeks.
Like PMQs all these questions are ‘vetted’ before being aired so if a question is asked that they cannot give a straight answer to then it is rejected.
Yet they give journalists a second chance each time. But still only half answers are given. My impression is that at first there was a clear strategy but now they have lost their way as to what to do next. The science doesn’t determine everything. Some leadership is needed.
Whose to say that 14 days is enough Zuleika?
You would have thought that if that was the case, that 14 days after lockdown you should have started to see improvements in the newly affected numbers, but they carried on rising for over one month [and still are]. Very suspicious. Who was walking around infecting others? When they should have been observing the social distancing rule. The only explanation is that people entering the country were either not going into isolation, or they remained infected for over 14 days… There are a lot of things we don’t yet know about Covid 19.
AND, all of the people who are NOT wearing face masks or, as seen locally, wearing them covering only their mouths, but NOT their noses. IMO, these are the dangerous ones.
Matt Hancock does not like criticism, he is floundering.
We are the only country not checking those arriving.
We are out of step with others and are suffering a very high death rate because of that.
We are doing our own thing, even with developing our own app, which does not work properly yet there is a standard app available which does work and works well.
We are not checking that those who arrive are actually isolating.
Other countries are and have much lower death rates and are opening up their economies.
The object of the exercise is to reduce the death rate and get life back.
It is important to learn from others.
I have to agree.
This recent Coronavirus problem has shown that our leaders are less than effective in many respects.
Not only those mentioned above, but there is also the problem of illegal immigrants who are not only allowed into the country freely, but are actually assisted by our border force. Despite all the public objections to this, they are doing nothing to stop it.
Then there was the Turkish PPE nonsense where the senior NHS managers ignored our own producers and agreed to import ineffective rubbish from a Turkish T-shirt manufacturer.
I also hear that police are choosing easy targets when looking for those breaking the isolating rules, yet quietly ignoring far more serious incidents such as a recent ‘traveller’ funeral attended by hundreds. I think we all know why they were not approached!
Just lately, I have been reading many reports of bad management of our country with regard to a number of aspects.
What is happening to our country?
What is happening to our country?
It’s run by accountants and bean counters I’m afraid
Accountants and bean counters who put their own benefit before the benefit of the country.
It has been many years since we had a properly run country.
When I saw that news report I thought it would highlight why certain producers here were rejected. As the Turkish incident proved, the requirements are very specific and lots of organisations here wanted to get on the gravy train without satisfying safety checks, then complained. The tail is wagging the dog too much via the media and that causes poor decision making.
Again that’s a tail wagging dog issue. When the police tried to enforce lockdown they were ridiculed by the press. Now they are blamed for not enforcing strictly. Nobody can win in such a situation. At the end of the day it is the public readership who will lose because of infection spread when we should be doing everything to follow rules.
Our street did not party tonight for VE but I can hear the street near us did. There were renditions of group singing of we’ll meet again being carried by the wind. It was a big crowd. Let’s hope they were distancing. A BFF is saying she is being made to feel guilty by various parties for not seeing her partner even though they are in separate households. Another (divorced) BFF has her son for visits. Families are popping in to see relatives. Seems a bit of a nonsense. Plus there is nobody to police it.
Looking at the recent statistics you will find that bean counting has gone out of the window. The system is haemorrhaging money. The trouble is years of Tory mismanagement coming home to roost.
I’ve heard the app drains phone batteries.
Do you mean since Blair and Brown practically bankrupt the country Annie…:shock:
That war in the middle east that Blair took us into didn’t come cheap did it.?
Why on Earth are they only just considering quarantine for people arriving in Britain?
Unbelievable! It should have been done at the beginning.
On our local news, police questioning drivers, leaning on their cars to talk through open windows, no way were they distancing. It’s a joke!