So now we have the highest death rate in Europe.
Why? We were the last in Europe to take this seriously and were late in imposing lockdowns.
We have a bunch of scientists, advisers etc; who have no idea how to control this virus.
We are still allowing uncontrolled entry into this country with no checks at airports.
We have boats full of so called immigrants queuing up to be brought ashore by our coastal patrols instead of shipping the lot back to where they set off from.
Example. My daughter works for a company classes as ‘essential’ Her boss arrived back from a business trip to America on Sunday evening. He was back at work on Tuesday . No checks when he landed, just a leaflet giving advice.
Indeed there is, and for that reason I shall continue to refer to illegal immigration on this thread as elsewhere as and when appropriate.
Whilst I applaud the Antipodeans’ success in tackling the virus, some do like to boast about it don’t they?
Yes, that explains our unhappy situation quite clearly. Mismanagement.
Absolutely Ben, I’ve just posted elsewhere on the forum about the number of infections in each county, and Kent seems to be the highest with over three thousand cases…Now there’s a surprise! Essex is also high on the list.
Actually there is a link Bruce.
Brexit is the biggest thing that has happened to this country’s politics since Oliver Cromwell. And technically we are still a member within the EU, still having to observe many of its rules and regulations. The EU seem to have neglected, not just us, but many other countries who until now have remained almost loyal.
Coronavirus has probably been made worse in the UK by the amount of illegal immigrants entering these shores unchecked from France, in the same way that cruise ships have been blamed for the rise in coronavirus in Australia. For every boat recovered by the royal navy, there are probably several that have not been spotted and this would account for the very high figures exhibited in Kent and Essex.
People in the UK are worried Bruce, and indirectly Covid 19 is connected to Europe, the EU and whichever political party is managing the situation at the present time.
That whooosh you heard was the point going over your head.
It was nothing to do with the success just about the fact they were different ends of the political spectrum yet the results were similar.
But that is probably a bit difficult for you lot to understand with your polarised state.
Well spotted OGF, l completely missed that statististic about kent
and the possible reasons for it!
And while we are on the subject of illegal immigrants,( and with
Brucys permission of course ) l have found the border force web site
and registered a complaint with them about their conduct in
carrying out their duties in the english channel!
I dont suppose they will respond, but maybe if enough people do
the same then it might have an effect??
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as thy say!!
I wouldn’t look at statistics without exploring further DM. If you check the link below which now shows cases per 100k, you will see that Kent and Essex are not great outliers. The figures are distorted if you do not look at the underlying population of each local area. They are also distorted due to the availability of testing.
I’m afraid that the Grauniad is not a newspaper I trust and believe.
That’s quite true Annie, but I wouldn’t consider Kent and Essex being two of the more heavily populated areas when you consider that some counties have many more large towns and cities but have far less infected residents. Despite what the stats may say per 100k.
I didn’t either OGF on the face of it. Turns out Kent has a population of 1.5-1.6m. Essex 1.4-5m. Birmingham, our second largest city, has a population of only just over 1m. So that perhaps puts it into context. Statistics can lead us down a rabbit hole.
At least we can assume one thing Annie; That the higher the population in regard to area, the greater number of infected people there are.
The rates per 100k of population are the relevant measure. Looking at it that way Sunderland is at the top. So the point being made is that these are all refugees spreading Covid having jumped ship (to sunderland?..hmmm)
Statistics can, indeed, lead us down a rabbit hole and often gives us a completely wrong idea of reality. The media often use our lack of knowledge to mislead us. For example: Lets say that we read this, “Deaths from coronavirus increase by 200% in the town of Farmerville”. We most likely will assume that Farmerville is experiencing a wretched epidemic. But is that so? Not necessarily. If we dig a bit deeper, we may find that there was only one death in Farmerville a month ago, but now, this month 2 have died.
See what AnnieS is saying ? Statistics can, indeed, mislead.
By the way Annie, nice phrasing, “down the rabbit hole”.
Sunderland has cases of 1,227 according to the official site. With an estimated population of 277k in 2018.
Thanks Bakerman I wish I were being original, but it’s one of the recent corporate trendy phrases, related to Alice in Wonderland
At the end of the day people believe what makes them comfortable and if the media massage the stats then most people just accept it as fact, particularly if it suits their personal bias
Global Cases 3,823,013
Global Deaths 265,084
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,894
Deaths 97
Critical 27
Cases per Million 270
Cases 201,101
Deaths 30,076
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,962
Cases 1,263,183
Deaths 74,807
Critical 15,827
Cases per Million 3,816
The point being made Annie is that disembarking refugees are not the only reason that accounts for a spread of the virus, but one that certainly has merit…
If a ship is sinking due to several holes in the hull, you find the largest and fill that first…
In our case the largest hole has been in care homes.
Same here, in particular one Aged Care home where there has been 16 deaths out of 44 for NSW