Yes, some are. Then, some are not. The common cold viruses (hundreds of different ‘flavours’) are usually killed by the body’s own defences within a few days.
True enough. But the common cold has been with us for thousands of years and humans have had time to develop a line of defense within our bodies. I do not know of any “modern” virus that science has developed a vaccine for.
If humans last until 4020 AD we will likely also develop a line of defense against the coronavirus.
Everyone who has recovered has developed a defence against the virus Bakerman, had they not, they would have died. HIV attacks the defence mechanism that protects the body, hence no cure or defence without medication. Covid 19 does not attack the immune system but can overwhelm it.
It certainly looks as though this virus will change all our lives for a long time to come and certain businesses will be unable to open. No theatres, cinemas, restaurants? bars? …a whole new world.
I have read that people can be re-infected. Do you have info that indicates otherwise ?
If you’re reinfected it won’t be as bad as the first time because your body recognises the virus and is ready to fight it. It’s only people with low immunity that will be at risk in the longer term. Even with a vaccine. What we really need is to vaccinate so that it becomes very rare or to develop an effective treatment. Preferably both.
Ok, that makes perfect sense.
Indeed. A whole new world. Unlikely that mom and pop restaurants will survive. And, what about the tube or city buses or planes, trains etc. No more jam packed modes of transport ? No more music concerts ? And what about the beaches and sporting events ?
I can see how tiny towns can get through this but big cities are in big trouble. :shock:
Life will change, but it will continue.
We can minimise the effects by mass testing and contact tracing, already been proved to be very effective in some Countries.
Personal Freedoms will however be affected.
Global Cases 2,638,024
Global Deaths 184,235
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,660
Deaths 75
Critical 46
Cases per Million 261
Cases 133,495
Deaths 18,100
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 1,966
Cases 849,092
Deaths 47,681
Critical 14,016
Cases per Million 2,565
Even in the age group with the highest morbidity (80+), there is still 85% chance of survival. It is not the end of the world but it is the end of the life that we knew at least for a couple of years.
I read a week or so ago that the major cruise lines have cancelled orders for new ships and have told the builders they don’t want those under construction (mainly in Germany). Plan for a holiday in your own country, it is unlikely you are going anywhere else in a hurry.
Ruby Princess will be leaving Port Kembla today at 4pm local time (about an hour from now) It was the cause of 21 deaths from Covid19 in Australia (out of 75) and 2 in the USA. It is the subject of a police investigation and a state inquiry. 10% of cases in Australia are linked to this ship - 13% of cases in NSW.
Australia seems to have cracked it .
I said right at the beginning that there was a reason why viruses and colds seem to die out during the summer and suggested it was something to do with Vitamin D.
Look here, I may have been right…
[I]Public Health England is recommending people consider taking daily vitamin D supplements throughout the spring and summer as the coronavirus lockdown continues.
Normally, many of us get enough of it by spending time outdoors. Our skin makes it when exposed to the sun.
The sunshine vitamin, along with others, can help our body stay fit to ward off illness and infections - important during a pandemic.
So who might need supplements?[/I]
Could it be that people who spend more time indoors (Nursing and care homes residents especially) get it worse than people who spend more time exposed to the sun. It would help to explain Australia’s success rate.
Strangely I was just reading the same article. Of particular interest: People with dark skin may also not be getting enough even if they spend time outdoors because the skin pigment melanin doesn’t absorb as many rays from the sun that let the body make vitamin D. - Anything to do with the large numbers of ethic minorities falling victim to CV?
Imo the reason for the success of australia in combatting the
virus is down to the difference in the numbers of repatriations
that took place after the outbreak, and also the fact that ozzie
closed down their borders quite early on?
Whereas uk still has passenger flights landing at heathrow??
Also population density is very different and favours ozzie!
So the ozzie government deserves credit for the early shutdown
of borders and all travel!!
I know someone who was flown back here recently having been stuck in Australia after a holiday. So I think there are lots of flights for all these Brits stuck abroad. I also know of someone who left to go back to Thailand after being stranded here.
There is a huge failure of Government in protecting our Borders.
We are not testing those who arrive, not even for temperature.
This is driving the Professionals mad.
This is entirely down to Pritti Patel, she is keeping our Borders open with no checks.
We have found two German Campers here in the UK with no checks at all.
They have come here on Holiday.
This is an absolute nonsense.
We deserve better.
Before we start patting the Aussie authorities on the back we should also consider it’s their summer down under…
No it isn’t.
Yes that’s quite true Lindy, vitamin D deficiencies would certainly explain a few things. Not good news for Vegans though since most of your natural vit D comes from Meat and Dairy…Which apparently is far better for you than a supplement.
So get your kit off and go out into the sun, but not for longer than one hour at midday.
Autumn then if you’re going to be pedantic Brucy…