It is now beginning to look like we will be fighting this damn coronavirus for years to come. I can’t even imagine what that will look like or who will be left alive.
I see no way to make any plans for the future, especially with us being essentially under “house arrest” for months (years ?).
I must admit that I am beginning to feel that I will, sooner or later, contract the coronavirus. With everything I’ve read, it sounds like a terrible way to die. If I was a youngster, I might be able to survive but certainly not at my age with underlying health issues. Damn depressing.
As it appears to mostly kill those with underlying health conditions and the elderly, it could almost be considered to be some economically engineered form of selective cleansing! :shock:
That’s right JB, Covid19 is not necessarily a death sentence. There are plenty of people with underlying health issues that have survived, and in the process become stronger.
Sometimes viruses just disappear as mysteriously as they appeared; Influenza seems to fade out in the summer.
[I]During the coronavirus epidemic, people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds are being hit particularly hard, according to emerging data.
The most recent figures compiled by the UK’s Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre suggests that of nearly 5000 people critically ill with covid-19 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland whose ethnicity was known, 34 per cent were from BAME backgrounds. But people from such groups make up only 14 per cent of the population of England and Wales, for instance.
Oh, it will eventually disappear. The only; question is… when ?
What I have been reading is saying that we are probably looking at years, not weeks or even months. Years.
I haven’t read the scientific papers, but should we consider the possibility that this bias is not related to ethnicity itself, but rather influenced by typical lifestyles of those minorities?
Quite possibly. Compare the 1918 Spanish Flu I mentioned earlier. That lasted for over two years. It is not unlikely that this pandemic might last for a similar length of time.
But then again, it might not.
After all, we have scientific and medical knowledge now that were not there then.
Hopefully the virus will weaken over time. If people are reinfected then it will no longer be “novel”. Although there was a report saying that the mutation rate may have been underestimated.
True. The main problem is that viruses, once in the human body, are a real nightmare to kill.
Look at AIDS. It’s been around for aprox 38 years and science has yet to develop a vaccine. This damn coronavirus can float in the air and kill people sitting in a restaurant sitting many meters away. (At least that is what the Chinese scientists say)