Conversations in your head

Hello all

Hope you are all doing well, does anyone else have full on almost conversations in their own heads??? (Ie not out loud) I find I do I plan/almost chat to myself about things in my head the give myself a reason I can or can’t do it then or send myself onto other tracks of thought. LOL


Not full on Conversations but when I look back , I sometimes say to myself why did I say that .

Being perhaps as much as 99.9% on my own, I often find myself in conversation with myself. Sometimes out loud as well, mainly cursing myself for some stupidity.

@Davenorave , Try getting a dog Dave !! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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Not so much conversations with myself, but I do have imaginary conversations with other people - you know, if I’m kind of expecting a reaction to something I’ve done or said. Then the conversation will just play out in my head, what I’ll say if he/she says xyz, then what they’ll likely answer that with and so on and so on.

Of course, these imagined convo’s never actually happen - they just get thrown on the rubbish tip of my imagined life. And inevitably I’m caught totally unaware by a different reaction that I don’t have a ready made conversational rejoinder for :woman_shrugging:

Yes but sometimes my lips move much to the amusement of Mr M .

I use to do that to and hubby use say who you talking to now :rofl:

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Doesn`t everyone? .
At least i can agree with what i

I do this, in a whisper, every day, more than once per day, too. The time to start worrying is when you hear yourself saying, “I didn’t quite catch that - say again!”


That made me laugh out loud

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It’s one way to get a decent conversation.

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… always work it out in my head first.

I often converse with myself, the trick is to listen to the tiny little voice, not always easy :wink:

I wonder if we’re unique in the animal kingdom to do this. I’ll ask myself later to see what I think.

My BH is very good at it.She makes plans and decisions in her head and blames me for not listening.


You’re supposed to know what they are thinking … even when they say the opposite.


I think you are related to my husband :laughing:



Similar…my BH tells me what the conversations I’ve had in my head were, even though I was totally unaware that I had had them

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Not conversations but I have found sometimes I recollect things that make me lol (literally) :lol: Thankfully nobody is around when it happens :081:

I do chat to the cows (and sometimes sheep) when I am up the mountain - does that count? :101:


Pull the udder one.

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