WHAT, REALLY who suggested that!
Apologies spitfire.
Antivaxxers have nothing to do with this thread Dex.
I can imagine you as been one of the vigilantes seeking out witches and religious people who you and your tribe disagree with. You group everyone who refuses the vaccine as an Antivaxxer and must be purged from the face of the earth forthwith…Is this a case of history repeating itself…?
My hands have never been so rough…
Not even when I was an engineer playing around with oily things…
Now then…first of all, we are fighting for this country. In particular we are using the weapon of a vaccine to protect it which, if the entire population decided they were going to play the conscientious objector card, would render it worthless.
You are such an objector, which is fine. If you feel that your personal needs outweigh the common good and need to contribute towards a sense of societal cohesiveness in the face of an enemy, and are willing to rely on the bravery of the majority of foot soldiers going over the ramparts into battle in the hope that their selfless acts of bravery protect your yellow livered cowardice while you hide and shudder in the basement, then good for you. Who are we to judge?;-)
We’ll deal with the other points in due course. I’ll let you comment on this one first though, if you want;-)
I was in bits reading that Dex…
Okay, I’ll pick up me musket…
Quite right too.
I’m overweight and smoke, and will rely on the bus to try and bale me out for my own stupid choices.
I know you’re focusing specifically on Covid vaccs, but the general point about the effectiveness of largely eradicating illnesses does stand. Ideally, we want herd immunity. Trouble is, if there are a sufficient number of people who take your stance, we’ll either never get there or it will take such a long time that it’ll damage us in many ways for decades to come.
Guess it’s down to the needs of the few owing a debt of gratitude to the outweighing of the needs of the many, if you get my drift.
We’ll just wait and see if the vaccines are the silver bullet you expect them to be Dex…Who knows, I might change my mind. I can’t speak for any others, but I will keep my head down and avoid catching the virus in the first place. I’ve been successful so far, and if I don’t catch it, there is no risk of me spreading it to anybody else is there…
Hopefully, you’ve already had it but didn’t even notice.
Can’t comment on your autistic family member OGF, but I hope things work out OK. I do know that when my sister was diagnosed with MS years ago, the doctors persuaded my brother in law to allow them to perform a biopsy. This made her shake far more than before and was of no use whatseover since there is no cure. Makes one wonder why they bothered if it wasn’t going to help.
If one is dead from complications of catching covid there won’t be any worries on that point .
I wondered whether you were right, or wrong, until I read this, OGF.
Having seen that I’m sure that I would have put the jab on the back burner, as well.
At last until the Medics & family get their thinking straight.
I hope it comes out OK.
With the discovery of the new Yorkshire variant there is a rumour that OGF has been down at the medical centre demanding his first jab
Personally, I tend to ask my doctor for as many immunity jabs as possible before I ever enter Yorkshire. Even traversing it on the m62 has a risk:mrgreen:
Heh heh…He’ll have run there and back in record time just in case We suspect something
Being fit is not an indication of the condition of the immune system scot. But being fit may assist with recovery.
Apart from my personal attachment, there is this Ted…
[I]The UK government awarded him and his wife Jackie £90,000 after the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine gave their 27-year-old son Robert brain damage.
Robert now has epileptic fits, is unable to talk, stand unaided or feed himself. However, he does not have autism.[/I]
I might have mis quoted Autism, but the symptoms are the same as this chap…
Seems like they don’t always get it right.
I don’t want to convince people not to have the vaccine Ted, but it might not turn out to be the silver bullet everyone expects it to be…
My decision to have or not have the vaccine is classed as a marathon rather than a sprint, we’ll see what happens.
No Way scot…
Apparently todays vaccines will have no effects against future variants of the virus. So, does this mean we are in for an endless round of vaccinations?
Yep, this is only the beginning Pixie…Peoples acceptance means a life surviving on fear and chemicals. People who refuse the vaccine will be outcasts and shunned.
Remind you of anything?