Conformity and Andrew Lloyd Webber

Have only just read through this thread as I’ve not been around much of late.

Am I correct in thinking that OGF is abstaining from taking a vaccine due to the doubts he has over potential long term side effects?

The only question I have is…where would we be if everyone decided to take the same stance, especially given that stats seem to indicate that vaccines have significantly reduced the number of people who are catching Covid and thus decreased hospital admissions and thus mortality rate?

The Queen,Prince Philip,Our future Kings,Prince Charles & Prince William,have all had the vaccine…are They sheeple too (People who are docile,compliant,or easily influenced) :shock: :lol:

Hi Dex, where would we be? Perhaps we would be back to the laws of nature - only the fittest survive?

Sounds about right. Perhaps antivaxxers would prefer that we just forget all about the virus and get back to normal with immediate effect and live with the consequences (which seems to include a fair few becoming ill, some being hospitalised and some dying)?

Even the fittest don’t always survive.

I remember listening to Spike Milligan recalling the time when he heard Chamberlain announce on the radio that we are now at war with Germany, and he (Milligan) thought to himself “I love the “we””.

It would be a curious form of anarchy if the “sheeple” of the world decided not to follow instructions. Would the (world) wars actually ever have happened if people decided not to sign up and refuse conscription?

Similarly, would we ever be able to suppress virus outbreaks such as small pox, diphtheria, bacterial influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and now hopefully covid if the sheeple decided to follow such an anarchistic trait?

Perhaps the antivaxxers would prefer that all the above are still more prevelant in the world today?

well if you have read the entire thread you should know - OGF is sticking to his own theories and that’s it - we have all but given up presenting alternative arguments - what was that phrase about arguing with the devil you know? or I’ll be damned if I’m right or wrong?

The 2 year trial stuff is a bit of a misnomer here.

Usually, a small number of subsidiaries financed for research via pharma, health services etc follow a line of research. Access to willing participants and real world shared data is limited, which is why a minimum of 2 years is required.

In the case of covid, things are completely different and the same number of man hours testing and trialling has been able to be performed within a much reduced timeframe. Hence, vaccines have been able to be tested and deemed safe within a few months instead of the usual 2 years.

As for long term side effects…what do antivaxxers think the long term effect of allowing Covid to strut it’s stuff unchecked would be?


It would not be the survival of the fittest, that has long gone in the Developed World.

It would be the survival of those in power and the richest, they would be the most protected irrespective of how fit they are.

The rest of us would have to play a genetic lottery, it would not depend on how fit we are.

well isn’t that’s what’s happening anyway - poor countries are still being neglected and the rest of the ‘rich world’ has had to be reminded several times that it should not ; can not neglect those in poverty whether that be in Africa or SE Asia etc - haven’t heard any stories from outer mongolia or North Korea recently anyone else?


There is a lot of rubbish on Social Media.

I am not going to to listening to any Celebrities either.

OGF and myself have different conclusions, that is all.

We are both intelligent, articulate and capable of making up our own minds.

I respect his views.

I could be wrong on this.

What about the offspring Annie, surely it is too early to see if they have been affected?

And you know they have been vaccinated how May?
Because they showed a news report on the telly of them having a needle suck in their arm?

William was shown being vaccinated on tv…didn.t see the rest of Them…are You saying it was all lies?

Welcome to the frey Dex…:039:
where do I start?
I have ignored the bit about fighting for your country because that’s got nothing to do with having the covid vaccine, except perhaps giving people like me and you the freedom of choice in what we consider a safe medication to put in our bodies…
We have dealt with this in an earlier post Dex, but for you I will explain…
I have had all of the usual vaccinations when I was a child, my parents thought it was the right thing to do and looking back I also think it was the right thing to do, in fact my own daughter had the same. So lets get this straight…I’m NOT an ANTIVAXXER! I’m an anti COVID vaxxer for the time being…

Just a mention though… My granddaughters Auntie and uncle are caring for a four year old autistic child, who seemed to be progressing as normal, learning to walk and run, and holding a conversation.
He was taken for his MMR jab and within a week was unable to speak coherently and has since been diagnosed as Autistic…Just saying…

No I’m not saying it was all lies May, but it certainly isn’t something I’d put nestegg on…:009:

The object of discussion is to present the facts as you see them bret, and being as this is a forum I’m open to suggestion, but I haven’t honestly seen anything that hasn’t been gleaned from the mainstream media and the propaganda therein…They just seem too pushy for my liking…

There’s only one thing I’m certain about and that is singing Happy Birthday twice, every time I wash my hands is getting irksome.

I totally disagree about the time taken to fully test this vaccine Dex.
These vaccines are based on a totally different principle to any vaccine you and me have had before, therefore I will decline from having this vaccine until they, and me, know more.

It is still too early to tell if the vaccines are working or not, and if so, how effective are they. We are still benefiting from the effects of a long lockdown, mask wearing, social distancing and the closures of most indoor gatherings, which you and I both know are the tried and trusted means of preventing the spread of any airborne virus. I don’t subscribe to the theory you presented about the antivaxxers…:018:

I believe we have done exactly the right thing in containment, in fact if it was me I would have closed all airports since last March as in Australia. Say what you like about how the virus was spread around the world so quickly but in my book it was almost exclusively down to air travel.

The future progress of the covid virus will be down to what we do next, and if the vaccines are working I wouldn’t expect to see a rise in the figures of infection in the coming months, especially as winter once again approaches. Only this will make me understand if my decision to have or not have the vaccine was the correct one.


OGF has his views.

He is always polite to others who do not share them.

That is what discussion is all about.#

I have had my second vaccine, I hope I am right.