Nope, it is what he told us.
He was heavily muscled and tattooed.
He came to the Ward from ICU and was still there when I left a few days later.
Nope, it is what he told us.
He was heavily muscled and tattooed.
He came to the Ward from ICU and was still there when I left a few days later.
Like it or not, I have to go along with what the Medical Profession is promising me.
In the case of vaccinations, they have, over a long history, usually been right.
Since, largely, the whole World’s Medical people are saying the same thing, I must go along with that.
If those who are afraid of being vaccinated decide not to be, that’s up to them.
I hope that they tell us , if and when they change their minds, for whatever reason, as it would be useful to know why they changed.
Personally, I could not live with the thought that my decision might have led to the death of others.
On that basis, taking the Vaccination seems to be the best bet.
And to ‘Mr knowitall’…A SHEEPLE I AINT
I strongly believe that if the majority are vaccinated there will be reduced spread and the risk to those who choose to decline will be greatly reduced too. Only time will tell but based on evidence so far the risk of the vaccinated spreading is very small.
I would always advise people to get vaccinated but the more of the population vaccinated the lower the chance of catching it. It’s never zero even if you have the vaccine particularly if you have a compromised immune system. It’s a personal risk to the individuals who choose to take the non vaccination road. But it’s a decreasing risk if we vaccinate the others.
Foxy, I want to know what’s going to happen to me because l decided to have the vaccination? (Pfizer)
At the moment, l feel extremely well, l am very upbeat and l swear my complexion looks better. So could this be a result of the vaccination?
Or, am l supposed to become a zombie, shrivel up and dissolve into a mass on the floor and talk like a dalek?
Funny you should say that. I have had a sore patch on my nose for some years. It peels skin and never gets better. From what I’ve seen of Bowen’s (skin damage by the Sun), I think it’s that. Since having the Pfizer jab, it has got quite a bit better.
I might become a zombie, shrivel up and dissolve into a mass on the floor and talk like a dalek but hey! at least the skin on my nose will be in good nick!
Keep checking to see if you grown a 3rd nipple :twisted:
I agree however there will still be casualties along the way with variance…as in what’s happening in Bolton etc ,most of which are the unprotected & elderly if you fall into both categories that’s a double whammy.
Ripple, It’s funny you should say that… there’s one growing on my forehead!
I’ve heard the vaccine is great for keeping Gout away ;-)
I totally agree ripple, but none of us were vaccinated with the covid 19 vaccine were we…
Dunno Arty, but neither do you or anybody else yet, so you try it out and I’ll wait and see what happens…
Why ripple? have you already grown one? Told ya…
That’s not a nipple, it’s the mark that the plunger leaves Arty…
How will my refusal to have the vaccine affect others Ted? You are assuming that I am going to catch Covid…Which I’m not.
Ha! Foxy, you love your little jokes!
There’s one growing on my back too!
Yes I’ve got one on my back too Arty, I think that is the mark that urine leaves from so many members peeing up it…
Have you been taking lessons from the BBC Mags…:roll:
Oh, l thought it was something to rest your hand on, whilst dancing a waltz?
123…123…123…Are you dancing Arty?..