Conformity and Andrew Lloyd Webber

Probably a case of belt and braces in order to offer the safest product possible and avoid ANY risk.


I will not be living to be a 100 no matter what vaccines they have.

I do intend to be having a blast however for as long as possible.

I need to get a move on, as my Health Insurance runs out in December, so long haul will not be possible after that.

Loads of nearer adventures to have however.

We are both intelligent and articulate Foxy, we have just come to different conclusions.

One of us will be right, I do not claim it will be me, I have a history of getting things wrong.:blush:

I am not here to insult you, just to state my honest beliefs.

Yes, you could be right, Todger - best to err on the side of caution when it first came out. I am no scientist, but to say the efficacy of this vaccine is as strong after a month, when you start to lose the immunity after a few months,(considering the body produces the antibodies) does baffle me a bit though.

In NOrth Korea for example and probably China too vaccinations will be compulsory - democractic countries take pride in saying “we do not force people to do certain things” but at other times yes - so observing traffic lights; wearing seat belts ; using face masks ; observing spacing - all compulsory ?? in an democracy ?? - fine by me - there may come a time when vaccination will be compulsory in democracies but they are simple holding out for NOT which affords foxy his right to NOT. It is probably also based on the treatise that below a certain population figure of NON acceptors the rest will have herd immunity and will be fine - the NON acceptors may still get the virus and die - be democratically that is their choice too?

I am of the opinion that individuals back themselves regardless of any ‘expert’ advice. Not critical or judgemental about those who are against vaccination in general or just Covid. Paranoia does seem to be outpacing the danger which I blame mainly on media exaggerations at the start of the pandemic.

After pawing through several documents referring to healthcare in North Vietnam (written mainly by western media) I can find no mention of the covid vaccine being compulsory there bret, in fact North Vietnam have a vigorous immunisation programme started in children at the age of one, which is recommended but not compulsory. They prevent their citizens from exposure to unregulated internet and western media, no bad thing in my opinion…:cool:

The comparison between observing traffic lights, wearing seat belts, facemasks and spacing to having an unknown substance injected into your system is quite frankly just plain silly. But I think you knew that already…:wink:

What I also find silly, are people who compare the covid vaccine to well used, tried and tested vaccines we all have had over the years. And would still have if they were required to travel to foreign parts etc.

Absolutely no insult taken Swim, and I appreciate your input to this discussion…:wink:

Nicely put Cinders :023:

We trust those vaccines now but do we know how well tested were they at the time of release? People back then might have had to take their chances so that people like us, years on, could trust and use them.

Everything is untried at one time or another.

I agree this vaccine should not be compared to our childhood vaccines - half of which I never had by the way.

As has already been said, those old vaccines have been tried and tested for many years, quite unlike the Covid ones. I read somewhere that vaccines need to be trialled for 2 full years to get all the information on them.

I also do not like the frequency of them. Having two close together will not be the end of it either, in my opinion.
I have already heard talks about ‘tweaking’ it for the newer variants, but no way would I fancy having THREE doses in quick succession.

As the flu changes each year, they tweak the vaccine, but we still only have the one dose per year.

Do we even know how long the Covid vaccine protects us for yet?
Is two or three doses each, likely to be the norm every year from now on, or will they perhaps get it down to one massive dose instead?

No matter how good or bad this vaccine is, it has still not been in use long enough to know the long term effects nor long term protection it gives.

They were based on completely different formulations Mart, and I believe the bloke who discovered their use actually tried it upon himself before they were released onto the general population. The covid vaccines have not reached the end of the experimental period yet which ends in 2023. There is much we don’t know about the effect they might have further down the line…As far as I’m concerned the jury is still out. I’m not prepared to be used as a lab rat…:confused:

Yep precisely Mups!..:023:

It’s true that we don’t know any of that Mups but I think all that can be done is to read up from whatever source you can, listen to all that you can and either go with the programme or not. I’ve weighed it up and decided to have the jabs and will also accept more if it seems necessary.

To me, that’s the lesser risk. I’ll die one day anyway but I think the jabs will help prevent serious Covid and let me lead the lifestyle I want to for longer. Might be wrong of course but the people who at the time accepted the risk of the polio, tetanus, typhoid and other jabs did OK. Hope I will too.


At your age, long term effects are not an issue.

Covid is, it can kill you and far sooner than the alternative.

It can kill you in days, if not weeks.

It is in control of you, not you of it.

All the Private Medical Insurance in the World cannot save you if you get a bad dose.

I am prepared to be used as a lab rat. I’m pleased to report that short term has been OK. I’ll give a monthly report.

I have been in two minds about all this, Foxy, and yes, it has worried me. I am frightened of having the second dose, and frightened if I don’t. I am being pestered relentlessly.

With the average person in the street not truly knowing enough about vaccine preparatoins and administration, the majority of folks go by what people - who we don’t know from Adam - tell us to do. Humans then copy each other.

There are many scare stories from the conspiracy brigade, but how does the average Joe Bloggs differentiate over what might have some truth in it, and what is rubbish?

Of course the medical people are going to say it’s safe, they are hardly likely to say anything else, are they!
That however, also doesn’t mean every word we are being told is true though. I do sometimes feel it is like we are all part of a massive experiment, and the real results will not be fully known for a long time yet.

They tell us from time to time how many have died from Covid, but have they ever said if anyone has died from the after effects of the vaccine? Are we to believe that there has not been one single death in the entire world from having two or three doses of vaccine in succession?

I honestly don’t know all the answers, and neither does anyone else here. We do not have sufficient knowledge. So whichever decision we make, can only be done with fingers crossed that we have made the right one.

I agree with that. Might not want to die at all but the mere fact that we’re all old enough to be posting here means we’ve done OK for lifespan. Lot’s better than some and maybe even lived longer than expected to.

If mandatory covid19 vaccines became a comply or die situation, would you accept or reject it?

It depends by what ‘long term’ means to you, Mart.
What does long term mean to you?

A year? 5 years? 10, 50?

Anytime from now onwards.