Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
Not very good here with yet more rain.
My grandson is starting to clear out the other property down the road. He has one of his workers helping him.
I shall wander down there shortly to see if there is and interesting bits I can salvage.
My daughter went to the farm on the IOW last evening, so I will not be seeing her this weekend.

Morning all.

No plans, just trying to keep warm.

Holly had me up three times, between 10.30 - 2.30, for the garden then she was out there again at 8. And still we did her toilet walk a short while after. Hope she isn’t unwell.

Morning all.

Well, Holly lasted most of the night then got me up at 5.30. Let her into the garden. Did myself a decaf coffee, back to bed, then she started fidgeting again, so eventually took her out into the road at 6.30, when she did her toilet. No point going back up so have stayed put. Guess who will need an afternoon nap??

Seems it’s been raining but didn’t feel so cold out while out, but did only go to end of our road.

At least I am not in a rush now for her first walk of the day. She can go in the garden again if so.

A roast today. Will get the veg in the oven about 12.30, then we will get off to the shop to see our friend. She starts her shift at midday and often on a Sunday we get to see her again later in the afternoon. (She finishes at 7).

I love letting go of Holly’s lead to see her scampering the length of the shop to reach her. As Claire stands at the card stand, talking, Holly gives her adoring looks, wagging her tail.

Good morning all.

Nice and early for you Janet.

Have a nice day all

Good morning all.
It’s cold wet and horrible out. I know this as I stuck my head out of the front door.
Hooray. I finally got rid of the old recliner chair. It was on ‘Freecycle’ Some bloke phoned and came and took it.
No plans yet for today.

Good morning all.

Its windy outside again.

Off out at 7.45am to do our weekly shopping and that’s about it for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Again it is not very nice out, but I will brave the elements to go to Sainsburys for my few bits.
Later I might go visit one of my ageUK friends that is at the moment in a home.
He was in hospital, and whilst there his house got flooded by a burst pipe in the loft. So he could not go live there.

Morning all.

Weather awful today.

A trip to Tesco this morning, dog walk, quick lunch, then off to the community cafe. Last week two of us tried the orange zesty drop scones, which were really nice, so I will ask for them again. For my second offering I will have a piece of cake.

Morning all, not very nice out its raining.

Popping to Morrison’s and that’s it for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Last night I was determined not to go out in that cold rain, so sent the dog into the garden. She wanted out there again at 12.30 but has held on. Shall have a coffee and take her out. Need to move the bin from back garden to front of house, ready for bin men.

Cafe this morning, then no other plans.

Good morning all.
Also not very nice out, but I am warm and comfy in my new recliner.
I finally got rid of the old one on ‘Freecycle’.
My daughter is back from the IOW, and I shall accompany her when she goes to Sainsburys. Later.
I have finished watching the series ‘Yellowstone’ on Netflix.
So now got to find something else to give me square eyes.

Emjay, I watched all of Departure in one day. Now I too need to find something else.

Morning all, a bit brighter this morning.
No plans though for the day.
Cooking a Beef Casserole, that takes 3 hrs.
Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
I did not think it was all that cold this morning. But having to fill the bird feeders in the garden, I was wrong. I am now just trying to thaw out.
Off to the AgeUK this morning, and her down the road says she is coming.

Morning all.

Up late today, about 8. Not long back from dog walk and it is still a bit nippy out. I shall probably stay home today, in between her other walks. Collection of repeat meds can wait till tomorrow.

No plans.

Morning all.

I have a free morning, then have to be at my surgery later for a diabetic review.

Good morning all.
Late today as I had things that needed to be done.
My cleaning lady came early so got distracted.
It’s my grandsons girlfriend birthday today so we are all going out for dinner this evening.

Enjoy your evening out, Emjay. Happy birthday to the GF.

Good morning Happy Valentines Day.

Couldn’t open the door this morning, it was jammed packed with Valentine Day Cards.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Ah, my postie is usually later in the day, but I bet he is stumbling under the weight of all mine.

Hopefully the guy is still coming later to clean my gutters. I need to get out for some cash. And must collect my repeat meds. I stopped off on the way back from seeing the nurse and saw the queue out the door, so didn’t bother.