Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all -1c here, but the sun is coming out and have got a red sky, looks like its going to be a nice day.

No plans for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

No plans.

Good morning all.
Blue sky and sun shining.
But it fooled this person, as I decided to do my morning stroll. It is so cold and frosty out there.
Now trying to get some warmth into my body.
Todays plans.
Already got a bread being made. Later this afternoon I have an invite for tea and gossip with her down the road.

Yes Emjay, I certainly get fooled with the outside temps. I see people wandering about with bare arms, bare legs, no coats, and I think ‘ah, must be warm out there’, and promptly freeze to death in the wrong coat!

Just come off a USA forum and I can’t believe what I read. I put up a video of puffins several hundred yards out to sea in Iceland. Lucky to even get them so close up with my camcorder. Guess what he says. The bobbing around of the Puffins on the sea in the video are hard to watch.
What the hell does he expect? the sea like a millpond? I have posted on here before that video and damn lucky to even get any video footage at all.
He comes from Tennessee and all I can think he has never taken a day trip to the seaside and watched, let alone videoed something on the water close up.

Take no noice of him Realspeed, I have seen your photos and videos before and the are good, you can’t tell the Puffins to stop bobbling along.

It just leaves me speechless

Morning all.

Hoping to be at the community cafe this afternoon. Just need to text the ladies as a reminder, see who’s going. Sometimes a couple from the Thursday group are there so we sit together.

Other than that, not sure of other plans. I do have a shopping list ready, but shouldn’t go just yet, as I only did a big shop only a few days ago. Might see if I can stretch it out till Wednesday, when I have no social meet ups.

Stay warm, folks.

Good morning all.
It’s a different day today compared to yesterday. Sort of gloomy but not cold.
Off to Sainsburys later for my few bits.
I did not go for tea and natter to her down the road yesterday, as she messaged me that she was not too well.

Morning all.

Another late one for me, but never mind!

Cafe meet then no specific plans for later.

Good morning all.
Another gloomy looking day, but it’s not too cold.
I have a couple of jobs to do this morning, nothing too stressful.
I have to admit it, I don’t have the strength that I had in the past, but I do try.
Later I expect I shall accompany my daughter to Sainsburys for her shopping lot.

Good morning all, beautiful sun shine out here but cold.

No plans for today, just a walk around the Village.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

I plan on going to the retail park after dog walk. Iceland, home bargains, Morrisons, Lidl.

Good morning all.
AgeUK Wednesday meet for me and her down the road later for a couple of hours.
Then make my own entertainment for the rest of the day.
I have recently got hooked on ‘Yellowstone’ on Netflix. I must get a life.

Morning all.

Shall stay home and keep my dog company. Been out and about these past few days and am out tomorrow, for the monthly quiz.

Lots of housework today.

Good morning all.
Very cold and frosty here but blue sky and sunshine.
My cleaning lady is not coming today as she has a cold and said she don’t want me to catch it.
Just got a couple of things to do that needs doing.

Good morning all, its gale force wind outside, dustbins are over on the pavements as its dustbin day.

No plans for today.

Have a nice day all.


So cold out on dog walk!!

Having breakfast then will leave in about an hour’s time for the monthly quiz.

Good morning all.
Raining here, but thankfully not windy.
I expect it will be the usual Friday. Lunch and a bit of shopping at Morrisons, then dinner at my daughter’s.

My new earphones arrived this evening for my camcorder . They are made by Soundcore and model is Space Q45. and they are amazing. first thing I noticed is how much bigger the inside of the ear cups are, now they actually fit over the ear. My old Q30 are more in than over the ear. Now no more problems wearing glasses. Next by downloading the apps site I can now tune ear ear individually as well as setting for speech or music etc.
well worth the money in my opinion.
I did have a little panic attack , me not thinking straight. My camcorder has on the tripod handle a bluetooth dongal. tried paring up with this earphone and nothing. Checking even further the camcorder was not outputting sound althought recording it.
Me being the plank I am eventually realised the knerled dial on the camcorder that alters sound output, and a couple of other things, the sound was right down to nothing.
now a happy chappie . not tied down to the camcorder the headphones not being attached to the camcorder.