Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all, beautiful and sunny here, its going to be a nice day.

Off into Gorleston this morning, visiting the shops, then back home to sunbathe and no cooking as such today, just Salmon Salad.

Have a good day all.

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Morning all.

Hoping to get some seedlings to the allotment and plant out.

Susie, did you get to your GP?

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Good morning everybody.

I’m going to Bakewell with Chris this morning for walking & browsing the shops.
Might bring a Bakewell tart back with me - Tony loves them.

Tony is out with Ady all day. It’s a lovely warm sunny day.

Have a good day all

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Good morning all.
Really loverly out this morning. Little Minnie does not want to walk much, so I just wander about. I went and inspected the finished astro turf cricket pitch. Very nice, I think that’s what I could do for my garden.
The pond filter that I cleaned again and put back in the pond, clogged up in about 5 minutes.
So I am going to find a way to get all the muck that has accumulated over the years out.
Job for the weekend.
Coffee and chat club this morning, and then back again this afternoon for the Ukulele class.

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Good morning everyone and yes, what a splendid spring morning it is

Just back from a smashing walk along the field which has the rape in full flower with the verges a mass of cow parsley, then back through the forest which was in it’s glory with the sun beaming through the trees, alltold an absolute joy

The only thing on my agenda is a visit to my daughter’s this afternoon to repair some flashing on her porch roof which was badly done by a so called roofer, but not a huge job to put right.

Have a good day folks


Music so loud next door it is all over the house and into the garden. Loud thump thump. No escape. Evil inconsiderate selfish bar stewards.

Back from allotment, showered, having a cuppa. Think dog wants her walk.

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I know what you going through , i had it for years, when i did say something about it it got worse , While the parents were out at work, the music would be put up loud then he would go out walking down to his friends leaving the music on .
Theres no reasoning with them .

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Only having respite now as I think they have gone out. Heard the muvver say to the girls when I was in the garden just now, ‘quick, we have to leave soon’. Music to my ears, I muttered to myself. It only stopped a short while ago.

It is the female renter herself who is the main culprit. Should hear the car radio when it pulls up! :roll_eyes:

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Hi Jazzi, yes I did get to the GP, it was only a review of my COPD Inhaler, I have decided to go back to my original ones, as they were not doing anything.

They have dug up our street again, so no car or buses going through for the next few days.

Have a nice evening all.

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Morning all.

Again, Susie? Your road must hold the record for being worked on the most!

Most probably allotment again for me. I left a couple of trays of seedlings over there, under some cardboard, that need to be seen to.

Had to do a minor repair job on my new garden trolley, which went on its maiden voyage to the allotment, holding all the seedling trays. A nut had fallen off the wheel bolt, somewhere between allotment and home. Walked to a car accessory shop with the dog and managed to get a couple of packs of nuts and bolts, for ÂŁ1 each. Changed all the nuts so they screw further down the bolt, rather than stay on the end.

Love the photos, Barry. That walk sounded idyllic.


Morning all, the sky is a bit grey but the sun is coming out, got a load of washing out on the line and bed sheets in the washing machine.

Not going out today.

Have a nice day all.

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Hi all, I’m well impressed with how resourceful you allotment owners are Jazzi! :leafy_green::leafy_green::leafy_green:

It’s so nice to be able to dry outside in the sun, isn’t it?

I got all my tea towels out, gave them a soak in some bleach and then a hot wash yesterday and now they’re hanging proudly on my line!

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Morning everyone, another lovely start here but a cooler, cloudier day forecast for later.

This morning I will be taking the car in to get the aircon re-gassed and then after lunch I need to get the hose pipe out and water the veg plot, as the couple of water butt’s that I use are virtually empty already! When did it last rain, doesn’t seem long but I guess it has to be a couple of weeks at least

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

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Good morning all.
Those photos of yours Barry, makes me so envious. There is nothing like that close by. Unless I want a short drive or bus to Epping forest.
Super weather again. That’s more like it for May.
Again I am going to have another go with the pond. I cleaned the pump/filter, put it back in the pond. 5 minutes later it stopped working as it again was clogged up.
Cleaning lady comes today, and must go and take something back to Argos,


Good morning everybody.

I think I will be working in the garden today & talking to nobody!

Yesterday I had a croak in my voice - woke up this morning & can’t talk - my voice gone completely.

Daughter Karen is coming to see us this afternoon so she will have to do all the talking. I’ll have a pen & notepad ready.

Lovely pictures Barry. Absolutely idyllic

Have a good day all.


You wouldn’t believe the half of it! My London friend has been known to dip into skips for oddments. Many fences and sheds here are constructed from doors, pieces of metal etc. Graham on my other half reckons he will look out for old doors so he can build a barrier between our halves, down by the shed. Probably because of all the grass and weeds growing there. I need to get some bricks and a concrete slab so I can make a stand for the water butt I was given.

Yes, sometimes we have to be resourceful and clever. Trying to recycle, and keep costs down.


I love going to see my friends allotment, people using all sorts to build their Kingdom!

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What a beautiful day. Afternoon all
 Dreadful migraine of passed two days gone, had a much better sleep.

Afternoon impromptu nap after lunch and woken up by heaviness on chest, thanks to kitten cuddling and purring for his afternoon snacks lol!

The day is so warm, windows opened, washing on line outside and wearing new lightweight leisure 2 piece.

Summer solstice arriving in less than a month. Blessed be!

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there is a reason why I can’t get into our conservatory at the moment

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Good morning all, beautiful sunny morning here.

Hairdressers for me this morning, nothing else planned for the day.

Have a nice day all.