Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Evening all my funky friends. Had a busy day today and expecting the same tomorrow and probably Saturday as well.

5 weeks delivery turned into 2 days from purchase. Wow and double wow!

So, kitty received his one year birthday gift TODAY! Built it in a few minutes with daughter, looks amazing and kittoo loves it. PIC BELOW.

Then, the regular delivery arrived for ceiling brackets for the panel curtains in front of the beautiful all wood closet hubby and I got, from IKEA. Installed by my tomboy daughter. Looks great and now kitty can climb the curtains without bringing down the curtains, poles and all.

Last item for today, a WIFI Repeater Booster. Bought the cheapest I could afford (as the advertised ones are £60 to £129). However, installation was a doddle and after doing test speed. Bob’s your uncle and Fanny’s your aunt. Vroom vroom… Lol!

Taking a breather watching Titanic (1997 James Cameron’s version) before making individual mini-lasagna for comfort food after such a good day.

Later y’all!


Not on your Nelly Barry.

That looks great Supernatural.

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If you look under forum “What have you done with your camera today” you can see kittoo enjoying it. :+1:


Good morning everyone

Hoping for a dry day today …I’m making five hanging baskets and planting some plants I bought yesterday…First have to go to the docs for a blood test but then the day is mine :slight_smile:

Ha e a lovely day all

Good morning everybody.

It’s a nice bright morning here.

Later today Tony & I will have a ride to the garden centre to spend some Christmas Gift Vouchers.

Susie stop leading Barry on. You know you wear big knickers!! lol

Have a good day all…

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Morning all, dull here but very mild and hopefully the sun will make an appearance later… :sunglasses:

We are heading off to Rufford Abbey today for a walk around the lake and a picnic lunch, so no other plans.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Good morning all, cloudy at the moment.

No Carol, I wear nice sexy lacey one’s, although a bit bigger then size 10.

Have a nice day all.

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Good morning all.
Good heavens, what is this thread turning to, with this talk of knickers. Disgusting.
I am wearing pink pants with animals on them today. Just in case anyone cares.
I think it is going to rain. It is overcast but there is a hazy sun.
When I just went to feed the fish, there were a few drops falling in the pond.
It will be an early lunch at Morrisons today as my daughter has to take her father-in-law to the place where they do the diabetic eye test.
Later this evening it will be dinner at hers as usual.
She is off again to the IOW. But no cat duty’s as grandson is not going.

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Morning all.

Home. I like to leave early before check out time of 10, so I can get unpacked and washing on. I have a blood test at 11.55 today. Enjoying my first cuppa tea of the day.

So first lot of washing on, clothes. Bed linen and towels can do tomorrow.

Chinese takeaway later, hopefully.

Another aunt passed away yesterday, the last blood relative of that generation. We just have an aunt by marriage surviving, but she is over 90 and her husband, my dad’s brother, died only a matter of weeks ago. I have lost count now of how many people I and my family have lost this year alone.

Nice to see you home again Janet, sorry to hear about you Aunt.

Thanks Susie.

Good evening all. All four items ordered arrived earlier than promised. The last one due for Sunday arrived this morning. A new litter box for kitten.

The old covered one on the bedroom floor was ignored (some cats don’t like enclosed unit for their needs). He would use the one by the kitchen instead.

So, I got this one

Then it was such a beautiful day, we went off to get the last missing items on our grocery list.

When we came back, we had a surprise, kitten had used his new litter box. Well and truly christened it. Lol!

Now enjoying a peaceful Friday night. Dinner is a box of SFC the copycat KFC chicken with chips, salads and breads. Yummy!

Enjoy your weekend friends!

Been to the allotment, done an hour’s strimming. Back tomorrow.

Good morning all, bright and sunny here.

Off out at 8am for my usual Saturday stroll around the shops, see if there are any bargins.

Have a nice day all.

Morning everyone, cloudy here with a chilly north easterly, but forecast for the sun to break through later.

Off to Mum’s after our coffee to plant up her borders with some bedding plants and do a bit of weeding, but no other plans after that…

Enjoy your day folks :blush:

Good morning everybody.

A bright sunny day here. I plan on potting up some geraniums & petunias I got yesterday.
Can anybody tell me if it’s ok to leave them out all night?

Have a good day all…

Good morning all.
A bit late this morning, as Minnie woke me at 5 to go out. I left her downstairs and I went back to bed.
Got up 0715.
Took her out for the morning stroll but she just does not want to walk.
As I have said, she has an appointment with the PDSA on Monday for the day.
Laundry being done as usual for Saturday.
Daughter has gone to the IOW. So I shall amuse myself.
I did get the new strimmer bits, so no excuse not to finish what I started.
Just waiting for an electric socket to come, then I can set up the pump and filter in the pond.

Morning all.

Body feels broken after yesterday’s strimming session, but plan on doing more work today. On hands and knees weeding, maybe. Need to get a bed ready for planting out seedlings.

Enjoyed my Chinese take away yesterday evening, and having the rest today sometime.