Can you walk heel to toe?


All joking apart, I can.

Nadi is a keen gymnast, I got her one of these for Christmas.

It has been a source of great amusement to the littlies to teach Grandad how to do it.

That looks a good idea.
I wonder could i get one of thise with hand rails.


Meg, I didn’t mean both at the same time. that would be difficult.

Oh Stop it! :shock:


That’s true Emjay. I just did the same along my hall and all was fine but as you say, it is easier if you look forward. I wonder why that is?

They have stabilisers on them which is cheating really. :blush:

I can still walk heel to toe, thank goodness, as for crouching I can get down but once there I can’t get back up without help. :smiley:

Why do supermarkets have such a low bottom shelf? I crouch down to reach what I want, find myself stuck, kneel down on the floor and wonder if I caught hold of a higher shelf would it topple over onto me :lol: It’s so embarrassing when you have to ask a shop assistant for help :blush::lol:

I have one of those kneeler seats for working on the garden, I find they are a big help now and couldn’t manage without it.

:idea::idea::idea: I might suggest to supermarkets to provide one for each aisle to aid us unfit over50’s :lol:

I have trouble reading the price stickers when they are down low. I end up guessing as I would look pretty silly laying on the floor.

What a great idea. A dedicated over 50’s aisle. Price tags printed in 48pt type and a lay-by for all friendly chats and skew-whiff trolleys. :-p

I have the same problem in Supermarkets Mags, I have to kneel to see the labels then I can’t get up again :smiley:

Twink :slight_smile: I am so relieved it isn’t just me. I thought it might be caused by my medication.

I have never tried it before, and just did when I saw this post, the answer is a resounding, ‘NO’!

Thanks for the link to the balance exercises Meg, just right for my back as they aren’t too strenuous :slight_smile:

Oh… and I can still put my tights and socks on without difficulty :lol:

That’s a good example on your video, Meg.
This is another example, the walking lunge.

You can also do this exercise by holding a couple of light kettlebells or dumbbells or improvise with two oranges. Do the same sort of thing but with your arms vertical by your sides.

I can’t walk heel to toe without almost overbalancing, had to stick me arms out. :shock:

Floydy :slight_smile: if I did that I would need a stretcher :shock: my old knees wouldn’t cope…

Well I am really relieved I am not alone… :slight_smile:

Meg, you can give those lunges a slow go with just a little dip, not the full range as shown in the video. With enough practice, your legs will get stronger and you’ll be able to go deeper.

Another idea is just to put a piece of tape on your patio or floor and just practice from time to time, which is what I do, ever trying to get good at noseriding. I still fall off the surfboard more often than not, but it sure is fun trying:

Skip to about :35

I must be one of the luckier ones, as I just walked across the room and down the hallway no problem. I did it barefoot though, does that count?