Can You Solve This Mystery For Me?

It was an incontanant burglar, obviously needed changing before he could carry out the deed and had to go home as he didn’t bring any fresh nappies with him…


Hope you get to the “bottom” of it soon, Art!


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I wouldn’t have either but its a good theory


Was it the Ballista … :question:

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A hot air balloon floating overhead? ice from the champagne bucket and then they had to change the baby during the ride?

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Yes, that could be, yet another of the endless possibilities! :grinning:

I wonder if we will ever know which of us has the correct answer? :thinking:

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Annie, If you find out, please let me know!
The case is still open!

Annie, If you find out, please let me know!
The case is still open!

Please include me in that if you would, it’s somewhat fascinating. Also I would like to know how Artangel always gets so many posts in reply on the threads she starts! :thinking: :grinning:

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We feel sorry for her.

     * draws in breath to speak ... * .....and exhales. You beat me to it.

Just seen this .
Foxes come to mind but more likely filthy humans .
I hate disposable nappies they are a mega thread to the environment !


Muddy, lt was not a human.
My daughter thinks it was more likely to be a fox that dragged a bag from somewhere into my garden.

The thing is… there’s no sign of a bag!! Ha!!

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Oh I see, I never even thought of that! :roll_eyes: :grinning:


Baz, Every time you look at a thread l have started, there is a hypnotic symbol embedded within the thread. Without you being aware, this symbol targets the retina of the eyes of the reader and entices you to add a post!!

Your eyes turn red for a second, whist this process takes place…

All very clever, just as well it’s only posts and it doesn’t entice me to start mysterious
threads like yours!
:roll_eyes: :grinning:

There’s me thinking that sore, red eyes are the result of being on OFC far too much!

Big Dark Shades Smiley

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Baz, That looks like the two disposable nappies flashing across your sunglasses …

Is Azz aware of this.It could help with membership enrollment .

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Rolling And Laughing Smiley

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Psmith, Oooh, l must write out a business plan and present it to him.
Then l can pay a private detective to investigate the appearance of two disposable nappies and one serviette that were abandoned in the middle of my lawn!!

Sounds good.The devil makes work for idle hands.

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