Can you sing?

Can you sing? (shows who voted)

  • Yes I can sing
  • No I canā€™t sing

0 voters

Got any stories of your singing?


I ticked YES and lied. I used to have a good quality stage/auditorium voice centre stage in front of a band with my bari-tenor vocals. During my early years I was trained as a Cantor/Hazzan but slung that in almost a lifetime ago to form my own band of musicians and a couple of singers; plus the synagogue was mainly filled with orthodoxy so not my slot as I became laid back and tolerant to all and formed my own views on the ultimate supreme power.
Now at almost 80, my voice is mainly a croak mixed with the occasional mid range tenor offerings :wink::+1::grin:

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I voted no because my singing voice is ā€˜orrible :scream:

But really, everyone CAN sing, canā€™t they? Itā€™s just that some of us really shouldnā€™t :rofl:

But I do, while Iā€™m cooking, out in the garden, walking on the cliffs, in the bathā€¦ā€¦

And I still think I sound great!


I had to seek my daytime employers permission to promote my band playing for money, which was granted with a few exceptions. Later, a band leader and owner Joe Loss (a fellow Jew) offered me Friday and Saturday evening/night cabaret as the centre stage singer. I did not seek my employerā€™s permission and after a while, my employer (The Crown) insisted I stop cabaret or resign. My job was important to me being that I was climbing the ladder, so the cabaret had to stop.
If you look into my forum profile, you will read that I married my very short lead singer and that was over 55 yrs ago :revolving_hearts:

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Thatā€™s my next thread. :joy:

Weather other people would agree is another matter.
My family think i have a nice singing voice,that will do me.


I belong to the Dogs Choir, iā€™m the Leader of the Howling.

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I ticked yes, but, perhaps other people should judge!


Is that you singing? :face_with_monocle:

Does Coco object? :wink::astonished::+1:

I was in a four part choir. I was the bass. Later I had a guitar and a violin and sang for my children.

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Welcome to the forum Jarkm, they are all nutty on here,.

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Hi LongDriver.

Coco is no longer with us, she has gone to Rainbow, we now have a new Kitten named Poppy, who doesnā€™t appreciate my singing, she bites me instead.

If the Portsmouth Sinfonia takes singers Iā€™m in.

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If I could, I might not have spent a lifetime ā€œWorkingā€ for a living :smiley:

Awww ā€¦ well I hope Poppy grows to love you just as much as Coco did. I have so many pussyā€™s on the other side of Rainbow Bridge, Iā€™ll get crushed the rush to greet me :heartbeat:

Thatā€™s one hell of a drive from the valleys furry :wink:

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It is!


Wow, you have a lovely voice, you certainly can sing :two_hearts:

I certainly canā€™t sing and Iā€™m doing the world a great favour by not trying.